A sco** review of the literature on teacher leadership in Spain
Research on topics related to educational leadership is evolving rapidly. A sco** review
was conducted to investigate research on teacher leadership in Spain searching online …
was conducted to investigate research on teacher leadership in Spain searching online …
[HTML][HTML] Teachers' teaching and professional competences assessment
R González-Fernández, A Ruiz-Cabezas… - Evaluation and Program …, 2024 - Elsevier
This research is part of a project led by the Catholic University of Santiago de Guayaquil
(Ecuador) and the National Distance Education University-UNED (Spain) aiming at …
(Ecuador) and the National Distance Education University-UNED (Spain) aiming at …
Distributed pedagogical leadership practice for sustainable pedagogical improvement: A literature review (2010–2023)
Leadership from a distributed pedagogical perspective involves engaging multiple
professionals in implementing shared responsibilities. In educational organizations …
professionals in implementing shared responsibilities. In educational organizations …
Relationship among perceived stress, life satisfaction and academic performance of education sciences students of the University of Jaén after the COVID-19 …
The circumstances arising from the exceptional situation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
have affected all socioeconomic areas in the last two years. The field of Education has not …
have affected all socioeconomic areas in the last two years. The field of Education has not …
Institutionalizing technologies in South African universities towards the fourth industrial revolution
This study investigated the essentials for institutionalizing technologies for teaching and
learning across the three types of universities in South Africa. This was with a view to …
learning across the three types of universities in South Africa. This was with a view to …
Preservice teacher education stakeholders' perceptions of distributed pedagogical leadership in nurturing teacher leadership
The need for quality teaching and improved student learning outcomes has been an area of
interest in educational leadership studies in various contexts. The emergent distributed …
interest in educational leadership studies in various contexts. The emergent distributed …
Perceived functional resilience in schools according to key stakeholders
Amid the COVID-19 outbreak, Israel and numerous other governments closed schools as a
precaution, leading to a sudden shift to online learning. The aim of the current study is to …
precaution, leading to a sudden shift to online learning. The aim of the current study is to …
Efectos de la COVID-19 en el proceso de aprendizaje de estudiantes universitarios
Derivado de los impactos ocasionados por la pandemia COVID-19 en el ámbito de las
universidades durante los años 2020, 2021 e inicios de 2022, se expone el presente …
universidades durante los años 2020, 2021 e inicios de 2022, se expone el presente …
Síndrome de agotamiento laboral y liderazgo pedagógico en el clima organizacional en instituciones educativas públicas, Lima, 2022
MRS Meza - 2022 - dialnet.unirioja.es
Resultados: Se obtuvo un valor de significancia de p= 0.000 y es menor de 0.05; por lo cual
se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alterna, deduciéndose que …
se rechaza la hipótesis nula y se acepta la hipótesis alterna, deduciéndose que …
[PDF][PDF] Educational Leadership in Greece during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Challenges and Prospects
P Geropoulos, K Tsioumis - International Journal of Learning and …, 2021 - academia.edu
The subject of this paper is a discussion on the treatment of the Covid-19 pandemic in the
educational system of Greece. More specifically, it focuses on the policies and practices …
educational system of Greece. More specifically, it focuses on the policies and practices …