Our future in the Anthropocene biosphere

C Folke, S Polasky, J Rockström, V Galaz, F Westley… - Ambio, 2021 - Springer
The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed an interconnected and tightly coupled globalized
world in rapid change. This article sets the scientific stage for understanding and responding …

Building adaptive capacity to climate change in tropical coastal communities

JE Cinner, WN Adger, EH Allison, ML Barnes… - Nature Climate …, 2018 - nature.com
To minimize the impacts of climate change on human wellbeing, governments, development
agencies, and civil society organizations have made substantial investments in improving …

[หนังสือ][B] The Routledge handbook of research methods for social-ecological systems

R Biggs, A De Vos, R Preiser, H Clements… - 2021 - library.oapen.org
The Routledge Handbook of Research Methods for Social-Ecological Systems provides a
synthetic guide to the range of methods that can be employed in social-ecological systems …

The future of food from the sea

C Costello, L Cao, S Gelcich, MÁ Cisneros-Mata… - Nature, 2020 - nature.com
Global food demand is rising, and serious questions remain about whether supply can
increase sustainably. Land-based expansion is possible but may exacerbate climate …

Anatomy and resilience of the global production ecosystem

M Nyström, JB Jouffray, AV Norström, B Crona… - Nature, 2019 - nature.com
Much of the Earth's biosphere has been appropriated for the production of harvestable
biomass in the form of food, fuel and fibre. Here we show that the simplification and …

Environmental stewardship: A conceptual review and analytical framework

NJ Bennett, TS Whitty, E Finkbeiner, J Pittman… - Environmental …, 2018 - Springer
There has been increasing attention to and investment in local environmental stewardship in
conservation and environmental management policies and programs globally. Yet …

Resilience (republished)

C Folke - Ecology and society, 2016 - JSTOR
Resilience thinking in relation to the environment has emerged as a lens of inquiry that
serves a platform for interdisciplinary dialogue and collaboration. Resilience is about …

[HTML][HTML] Exploring the governance and politics of transformations towards sustainability

J Patterson, K Schulz, J Vervoort, S Van Der Hel… - … Innovation and Societal …, 2017 - Elsevier
The notion of 'transformations towards sustainability'takes an increasingly central position in
global sustainability research and policy discourse in recent years. Governance and politics …

A transition to sustainable ocean governance

T Brodie Rudolph, M Ruckelshaus, M Swilling… - Nature …, 2020 - nature.com
Human wellbeing relies on the Biosphere, including natural resources provided by ocean
ecosystems. As multiple demands and stressors threaten the ocean, transformative change …

Bright spots: seeds of a good Anthropocene

EM Bennett, M Solan, R Biggs… - Frontiers in Ecology …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
The scale, rate, and intensity of humans' environmental impact has engendered broad
discussion about how to find plausible pathways of development that hold the most promise …