Extreme adaptive optics
O Guyon - Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2018 - annualreviews.org
Over the last two decades, several thousand exoplanets have been identified, and their
study has become a high scientific priority. Direct imaging of nearby exoplanets and the …
study has become a high scientific priority. Direct imaging of nearby exoplanets and the …
[KNJIGA][B] Principles of adaptive optics
RK Tyson, BW Frazier - 2022 - taylorfrancis.com
Principles of Adaptive Optics describes the foundations, principles, and applications of
adaptive optics (AO) and its enabling technologies. This leading textbook addresses the …
adaptive optics (AO) and its enabling technologies. This leading textbook addresses the …
Performance of the Gemini Planet Imager's adaptive optics system
LA Poyneer, DW Palmer, B Macintosh, D Savransky… - Applied Optics, 2016 - opg.optica.org
The Gemini Planet Imager's adaptive optics (AO) subsystem was designed specifically to
facilitate high-contrast imaging. A definitive description of the system's algorithms and …
facilitate high-contrast imaging. A definitive description of the system's algorithms and …
Investigation on two-stage vibration suppression and precision pointing for space optical payloads
H Yun, L Liu, Q Li, H Yang - Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020 - Elsevier
For space optical payloads, it is difficult to achieve vibration suppression and high precision
pointing due to broadband range of micro-vibration. This paper thus presents one two-stage …
pointing due to broadband range of micro-vibration. This paper thus presents one two-stage …
Adaptive optics control with multi-agent model-free reinforcement learning
We present a novel formulation of closed-loop adaptive optics (AO) control as a multi-agent
reinforcement learning (MARL) problem in which the controller is able to learn a non-linear …
reinforcement learning (MARL) problem in which the controller is able to learn a non-linear …
Self-optimizing adaptive optics control with reinforcement learning for high-contrast imaging
Current and future high-contrast imaging instruments require extreme adaptive optics
systems to reach contrasts necessary to directly imaged exoplanets. Telescope vibrations …
systems to reach contrasts necessary to directly imaged exoplanets. Telescope vibrations …
BP artificial neural network based wave front correction for sensor-less free space optics communication
Z Li, X Zhao - Optics Communications, 2017 - Elsevier
The sensor-less adaptive optics (AO) is one of the most promising methods to compensate
strong wave front disturbance in free space optics communication (FSO). The back …
strong wave front disturbance in free space optics communication (FSO). The back …
Adaptive optics predictive control with empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs)
Atmospheric wavefront prediction based on previous wavefront sensor measurements can
greatly enhance the performance of adaptive optics systems. We propose an optimal linear …
greatly enhance the performance of adaptive optics systems. We propose an optimal linear …
SPHERE eXtreme AO control scheme: final performance assessment and on sky validation of the first auto-tuned LQG based operational system
The SPHERE (Spectro-Polarimetry High-contrast Exoplanet Research) instrument is an ESO
project aiming at the direct detection of extra-solar planets. SPHERE has been successfully …
project aiming at the direct detection of extra-solar planets. SPHERE has been successfully …
Wavefront prediction using artificial neural networks for open-loop adaptive optics
Latency in the control loop of adaptive optics (AO) systems can severely limit performance.
Under the frozen flow hypothesis linear predictive control techniques can overcome this; …
Under the frozen flow hypothesis linear predictive control techniques can overcome this; …