Transforming corporate social responsibilities: Toward an intellectual activist research agenda for micro-CSR research

V Girschik, L Svystunova, EI Lysova - Human relations, 2022 -
In their recent essay, Gond and Moser (2019) have proposed that micro-CSR research has
the potential to “matter” and transform business practices as it engages closely with how …

Authentic leadership theory: The case for and against

WL Gardner, EP Karam, M Alvesson, K Einola - The Leadership Quarterly, 2021 - Elsevier
Scholarly and practitioner interest in the topic of authentic leadership has grown dramatically
over the past two decades. Running parallel to this interest, however, have been a number …

Harassment as a consequence and cause of inequality in academia: A narrative review

S Täuber, K Loyens, S Oertelt-Prigione, I Kubbe - EClinicalMedicine, 2022 -
A growing body of literature suggests that over the past 30 years, policies aimed at tackling
harassment in academia have had little discernable effect. How can this impasse be …

Sex-based harassment and organizational silencing: How women are led to reluctant acquiescence in academia

D Fernando, A Prasad - Human relations, 2019 -
The# MeToo and the Time's Up movements have raised the issue of sexual harassment
encountered by women to the level of public consciousness. Together, these movements …

The costs and labour of whistleblowing: Bodily vulnerability and post-disclosure survival

K Kenny, M Fotaki - Journal of Business Ethics, 2023 - Springer
Whistleblowers are a vital means of protecting society because they provide information
about serious wrongdoing. And yet, people who speak up can suffer. Even so, debates on …

Whistleblower subjectivities: Organization and passionate attachment

K Kenny, M Fotaki… - Organization Studies, 2020 -
What is the nature of whistleblower subjectivity? In this article, we depart from current
scholarly depictions of this figure as a fearless truth-teller who is fully independent of the …

Mental heath as a weapon: Whistleblower retaliation and normative violence

K Kenny, M Fotaki, S Scriver - Journal of Business Ethics, 2019 - Springer
What form does power take in situations of retaliation against whistleblowers? In this article,
we move away from dominant perspectives that see power as a resource. In place, we …

Dynamics of wilful ignorance in organizations

M Alvesson, K Einola… - The British Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Contemporary society is obsessed with knowledge, leaving its less seductive counterpart,
ignorance, in the shadows. However, as an expanding literature suggests, it is equally …

[หนังสือ][B] Judith Butler and organization theory

M Tyler - 2019 -
2020 will mark thirty years since the first publication of Judith Butler's ground-breaking book,
Gender Trouble. Here, and in subsequent work, Butler argues that gender and other forms of …

Gaslighting and dispelling: Experiences of non-governmental organization workers in navigating gendered corruption

SS Jones - human relations, 2023 -
How does corruption adopt gendered guises and how do women combat it in practice?
Theorizing from the basis of a 30-month ethnography within a women's non-governmental …