Diversity gradients of terrestrial vertebrates–substantial variations about a common theme
Environmental factors, such as temperature, precipitation, and elevation, explain most of the
variation in species richness at the global scale. Nevertheless, richness patterns may have …
variation in species richness at the global scale. Nevertheless, richness patterns may have …
Land use change consistently reduces α‐but not β‐and γ‐diversity of bees
TPN Tsang, AAA De Santis… - Global change …, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Land use change threatens global biodiversity and compromises ecosystem functions,
including pollination and food production. Reduced taxonomic α‐diversity is often reported …
including pollination and food production. Reduced taxonomic α‐diversity is often reported …
Global multifaceted biodiversity patterns, centers, and conservation needs in angiosperms
Abstract The Convention on Biological Diversity seeks to conserve at least 30% of global
land and water areas by 2030, which is a challenge but also an opportunity to better …
land and water areas by 2030, which is a challenge but also an opportunity to better …
Current climate, but also long‐term climate changes and human impacts, determine the geographic distribution of European mammal diversity
Aim Historical climate variations, current climate and human impacts are known to influence
current species richness, but their effects on phylogenetic and trait diversity have been …
current species richness, but their effects on phylogenetic and trait diversity have been …
Elevational patterns of amphibian functional and phylogenetic structures in eastern Nepal Himalaya
T Zhao, JR Khatiwada, C Zhao, J Feng… - Diversity and …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Exploring the mechanism underlying community assembly processes is considered as
one of the central topics for biogeography. As one of the biodiversity hotspots, Nepal …
one of the central topics for biogeography. As one of the biodiversity hotspots, Nepal …
Functional and phylogenetic dimensions of tree biodiversity reveal unique geographic patterns
Aim Quantify tree functional and phylogenetic richness and divergence at the global scale,
and explore the drivers underpinning these biogeographic patterns. Location Global. Time …
and explore the drivers underpinning these biogeographic patterns. Location Global. Time …
The structure of terrestrial mammal communities along an elevation gradient in the tropics.
The correlates of mammal species richness and community associations along elevation
gradients have resulted in conflicting results within tropical systems. We surveyed the …
gradients have resulted in conflicting results within tropical systems. We surveyed the …
Quantifying agricultural land-use intensity for spatial biodiversity modelling: implications of different metrics and spatial aggregation methods
Context Agricultural intensification is a major driver of farmland biodiversity declines.
However, the relationship between land-use intensity (LUI) and biodiversity is complex and …
However, the relationship between land-use intensity (LUI) and biodiversity is complex and …
Elevation patterns and critical environmental drivers of the taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity of small mammals in a karst mountain area
Understanding how biodiversity components are related under different environmental
factors is a fundamental challenge for ecology studies, yet there is little knowledge of this …
factors is a fundamental challenge for ecology studies, yet there is little knowledge of this …
Spatial variation in direct and indirect effects of climate and productivity on species richness of terrestrial tetrapods
Aim We aimed to dissect the spatial variation of the direct and indirect effects of climate and
productivity on global species richness of terrestrial tetrapods. Location Global. Time period …
productivity on global species richness of terrestrial tetrapods. Location Global. Time period …