Born not made: the impact of six entrepreneurial personality dimensions on entrepreneurial intention: evidence from healthcare higher education students
Background: The KSA government has envisioned a national transformation plan via Vision
2030. The purpose of this plan is liberalization which provides an opportunity for the private …
2030. The purpose of this plan is liberalization which provides an opportunity for the private …
Exploring the impact of sustainable entrepreneurial role models on students' opportunity recognition for sustainable development in sustainable entrepreneurship …
The transformation toward a sustainable economy is considered one of the most effective
measures to accelerate the achievement of the United Nations' Sustainable Development …
measures to accelerate the achievement of the United Nations' Sustainable Development …
[HTML][HTML] Entrepreneurship competence model for supporting learners development at all educational levels
The development of entrepreneurship competence considering a broad view of
entrepreneurship requires a systematic approach to determine the validated content of …
entrepreneurship requires a systematic approach to determine the validated content of …
[HTML][HTML] Bridging the fields of entrepreneurship and education: The role of philosophical perspectives in fostering opportunity identification
The number of entrepreneurship education (EE) programs that aim to foster opportunity
identification (OI) as a key entrepreneurial capability has grown considerably in the past few …
identification (OI) as a key entrepreneurial capability has grown considerably in the past few …
Searching for the entrepreneurs among new entrants in European Agriculture: The role of human and social capital
It is stated that farmers need to become more entrepreneurial to compete in modern
agriculture. Much of the literature on agricultural entrepreneurship, however, has been …
agriculture. Much of the literature on agricultural entrepreneurship, however, has been …
Fostering University Students' Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification Capability: A Systematic Literature Review
Fostering university students' Opportunity Identification (OI) capability has received much
attention from entrepreneurship scholars. There is, however, a lack of comprehensive …
attention from entrepreneurship scholars. There is, however, a lack of comprehensive …
Curious enough to start up? How epistemic curiosity and entrepreneurial alertness influence entrepreneurship orientation and intention
Epistemic curiosity as the desire to acquire new knowledge and ideas is considered as an
important attribute for successful entrepreneurs among practitioners, yet there is lacking …
important attribute for successful entrepreneurs among practitioners, yet there is lacking …
Fostering Entrepreneurial Learning On‐the‐Job: evidence from innovative small and medium‐sized companies in Europe
As economies become more innovation‐driven, the need for entrepreneurial behaviour
amongst employees working for existing companies increases in order to enhance the …
amongst employees working for existing companies increases in order to enhance the …
Development and application of the opportunity identification competence assessment test (OICAT) in higher education
Develo** and assessing individuals' competence to identify business opportunities is of
increasing importance in the current widespread introduction of entrepreneurship …
increasing importance in the current widespread introduction of entrepreneurship …
Financial literacy and new business entry
The issue of the relationship between financial literacy and entrepreneurship is still not a
fully explored research area. On the one hand, there are common views that financial …
fully explored research area. On the one hand, there are common views that financial …