Heat treatment for metal additive manufacturing
Metal additive manufacturing (AM) refers to any process of making 3D metal parts layer-
upon-layer via the interaction between a heating source and feeding material from a digital …
upon-layer via the interaction between a heating source and feeding material from a digital …
[HTML][HTML] A comprehensive review on laser powder bed fusion of steels: Processing, microstructure, defects and control methods, mechanical properties, current …
Abstract Laser Powder Bed Fusion process is regarded as the most versatile metal additive
manufacturing process, which has been proven to manufacture near net shape up to 99.9 …
manufacturing process, which has been proven to manufacture near net shape up to 99.9 …
Additive manufacturing of ultra-high strength steels: A review
Ultra-high strength steels (UHSSs) have excellently comprehensive mechanical properties,
which has attracted significant interest in their advanced manufacturing. Additively …
which has attracted significant interest in their advanced manufacturing. Additively …
[HTML][HTML] On the current research progress of metallic materials fabricated by laser powder bed fusion process: a review
Laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) is the most common metal additive manufacturing
technique. Following pre-programmed designs, it employs a high-power density laser …
technique. Following pre-programmed designs, it employs a high-power density laser …
Additive manufacturing of steels: a review of achievements and challenges
Metal additive manufacturing (AM), also known as 3D printing, is a disruptive manufacturing
technology in which complex engineering parts are produced in a layer-by-layer manner …
technology in which complex engineering parts are produced in a layer-by-layer manner …
Steels in additive manufacturing: A review of their microstructure and properties
Today, a large number of different steels are being processed by Additive Manufacturing
(AM) methods. The different matrix microstructure components and phases (austenite, ferrite …
(AM) methods. The different matrix microstructure components and phases (austenite, ferrite …
Heterogeneous aspects of additive manufactured metallic parts: a review
Metal additive manufacturing (MAM) is an emerging technology to produce complex end-
use metallic parts. To adopt MAM for manufacturing numerous engineering parts used in …
use metallic parts. To adopt MAM for manufacturing numerous engineering parts used in …
CoCr alloy processed by Selective Laser Melting (SLM): Effect of Laser Energy Density on microstructure, surface morphology, and hardness
Abstract Selective Laser Melting (SLM) was used to realize Co-28Cr-6Mo samples. Several
process parameters were considered, resulting in a wide range of Laser Energy Density …
process parameters were considered, resulting in a wide range of Laser Energy Density …
Additive manufacturing of maraging steel-H13 bimetals using laser powder bed fusion technique
In this paper, maraging steel powder was deposited on top of an H13 tool steel using laser
powder bed fusion (LPBF) technique. The mechanical properties, microstructure, and …
powder bed fusion (LPBF) technique. The mechanical properties, microstructure, and …
Assessment of laser power and scan speed influence on microstructural features and consolidation of AISI H13 tool steel processed by additive manufacturing
Additive manufacturing can produce parts with complex geometries in fewer steps than
conventional processing, which leads to cost reduction and a higher quality of goods. One …
conventional processing, which leads to cost reduction and a higher quality of goods. One …