Corticostriatal connectivity and its role in disease
GMG Shepherd - Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2013 - nature.com
Corticostriatal projections are essential components of forebrain circuits and are widely
involved in motivated behaviour. These axonal projections are formed by two distinct …
involved in motivated behaviour. These axonal projections are formed by two distinct …
The place of dopamine in the cortico-basal ganglia circuit
SN Haber - Neuroscience, 2014 - Elsevier
The midbrain dopamine (DA) neurons play a central role in develo** appropriate goal-
directed behaviors, including the motivation and cognition to develop appropriate actions to …
directed behaviors, including the motivation and cognition to develop appropriate actions to …
Neuroanatomical and neurochemical substrates of timing
We all have a sense of time. Yet, there are no sensory receptors specifically dedicated for
perceiving time. It is an almost uniquely intangible sensation: we cannot see time in the way …
perceiving time. It is an almost uniquely intangible sensation: we cannot see time in the way …
Repeated cortico-striatal stimulation generates persistent OCD-like behavior
Although cortico-striato-thalamo-cortical (CSTC) circuit dysregulation is correlated with
obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), causation cannot be tested in humans. We used …
obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), causation cannot be tested in humans. We used …
Aldehyde dehydrogenase 1a1 mediates a GABA synthesis pathway in midbrain dopaminergic neurons
Midbrain dopamine neurons are an essential component of the basal ganglia circuitry,
playing key roles in the control of fine movement and reward. Recently, it has been …
playing key roles in the control of fine movement and reward. Recently, it has been …
Influence of reward motivation on human declarative memory
Motivational relevance can prioritize information for memory encoding and consolidation
based on reward value. In this review, we pinpoint the possible psychological and neural …
based on reward value. In this review, we pinpoint the possible psychological and neural …
Global resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging analysis identifies frontal cortex, striatal, and cerebellar dysconnectivity in obsessive-compulsive disorder
Background Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is associated with regional hyperactivity
in cortico-striatal circuits. However, the large-scale patterns of abnormal neural connectivity …
in cortico-striatal circuits. However, the large-scale patterns of abnormal neural connectivity …
The SEEKING mind: primal neuro-affective substrates for appetitive incentive states and their pathological dynamics in addictions and depression
A Alcaro, J Panksepp - Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2011 - Elsevier
Appetitive motivation and incentive states are essential functions sustained by a common
emotional brain process, the SEEKING disposition, which drives explorative and approach …
emotional brain process, the SEEKING disposition, which drives explorative and approach …
The hippocampal–striatal axis in learning, prediction and goal-directed behavior
The hippocampal formation and striatum subserve declarative and procedural memory,
respectively. However, experimental evidence suggests that the ventral striatum, as …
respectively. However, experimental evidence suggests that the ventral striatum, as …
Internally generated sequences in learning and executing goal-directed behavior
A network of brain structures including hippocampus (HC), prefrontal cortex, and striatum
controls goal-directed behavior and decision making. However, the neural mechanisms …
controls goal-directed behavior and decision making. However, the neural mechanisms …