Mechanics–microstructure relations in 1D, 2D and mixed dimensional carbon nanomaterials
Utilizing 1D and 2D carbon nanomaterials to develop resilient and strong multifunctional
composites has been a common theme in the field of nanomaterials in the past two decades …
composites has been a common theme in the field of nanomaterials in the past two decades …
Multiscale modeling of material failure: Theory and computational methods
Material behavior and microstructure geometries at small scales strongly influence the
physical behavior at higher scales. For example, defects like cracks and dislocations evolve …
physical behavior at higher scales. For example, defects like cracks and dislocations evolve …
A peridynamics formulation for quasi-static fracture and contact in rock
We present a dual-horizon peridynamics (DH-PD) formulation for fracture in granular and
rock-like materials. In contrast to discrete crack methods such as XFEM, DH-PD does not …
rock-like materials. In contrast to discrete crack methods such as XFEM, DH-PD does not …
Atomistic simulations of mechanical properties and fracture of graphene: A review
Material properties and fracture characteristics are among the most prominent parameters
that should be considered for a wide range of graphene applications. This article reviews …
that should be considered for a wide range of graphene applications. This article reviews …
Design concepts of an aircraft wing: composite and morphing airfoil with auxetic structures
PR Budarapu, SS YB, R Natarajan - Frontiers of Structural and Civil …, 2016 - Springer
This paper is categorized into two parts.(1) A frame work to design the aircraft wing structure
and (2) analysis of a morphing airfoil with auxetic structure. The developed design frame …
and (2) analysis of a morphing airfoil with auxetic structure. The developed design frame …
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Nanocrack Propagation in Single-Layer MoS2 Nanosheets
H Bao, Y Huang, Z Yang, Y Sun, Y Bai… - The Journal of …, 2018 - ACS Publications
Single-layer MoS2 (SLMoS2) nanosheets promise potential applications in flexible
electronic and optoelectronic nanodevices for which the mechanical stability is crucial …
electronic and optoelectronic nanodevices for which the mechanical stability is crucial …
Stillinger–Weber potential for elastic and fracture properties in graphene and carbon nanotubes
This paper presents a new framework for determining the Stillinger–Weber (SW) potential
parameters for modeling fracture in graphene and carbon nanotubes. In addition to fitting the …
parameters for modeling fracture in graphene and carbon nanotubes. In addition to fitting the …
Molecular dynamics study of the mechanical and tribological properties of graphene oxide-reinforced polyamide 66/nitrile butadiene rubber composites
This paper analyzes carbon nanomaterial-reinforced PA66/NBR rubber–plastic blended
composites to correlate the blending mechanism and reinforcing properties by molecular …
composites to correlate the blending mechanism and reinforcing properties by molecular …
An ordinary state-based peridynamic model for the fracture of zigzag graphene sheets
This study develops an ordinary state-based peridynamic coarse-graining (OSPD-CG)
model for the investigation of fracture in single-layer graphene sheets (SLGS), in which the …
model for the investigation of fracture in single-layer graphene sheets (SLGS), in which the …
The investigation of rock indentation simulation based on discrete element method
Rock indentation is widely encountered in rock engineering, such as oil & gas drilling
process. The rock indentation represents the fundamental process for mechanical rock …
process. The rock indentation represents the fundamental process for mechanical rock …