Cellulose-based materials for scavenging toxic and precious metals from water and wastewater: A review
The abundance of cellulose in nature, as well as its biocompatibility and functional groups,
has paved the way for the development of advanced cellulose-based technologies for water …
has paved the way for the development of advanced cellulose-based technologies for water …
A comprehensive review on biosorption of heavy metals by algal biomass: materials, performances, chemistry, and modeling simulation tools
J He, JP Chen - Bioresource technology, 2014 - Elsevier
Heavy metals contamination has become a global issue of concern due to their higher
toxicities, nature of non-biodegradability, high capabilities in bioaccumulation in human …
toxicities, nature of non-biodegradability, high capabilities in bioaccumulation in human …
Mechanisms of heavy metal removal using microorganisms as biosorbent
Release and distribution of heavy metals through industrial wastewaters has adverse affects
on the environment via contamination of surface-and ground-water resources. Biosorption of …
on the environment via contamination of surface-and ground-water resources. Biosorption of …
Equilibrium and kinetic studies in adsorption of heavy metals using biosorbent: a summary of recent studies
J Febrianto, AN Kosasih, J Sunarso, YH Ju… - Journal of hazardous …, 2009 - Elsevier
Distinctive adsorption equilibria and kinetic models are of extensive use in explaining the
biosorption of heavy metals, denoting the need to highlight and summarize their essential …
biosorption of heavy metals, denoting the need to highlight and summarize their essential …
Lead removal from aqueous solution by natural and pretreated clinoptilolite: adsorption equilibrium and kinetics
Adsorption of Pb (II) ions from aqueous solution onto clinoptilolite has been investigated to
evaluate the effects of contact time, initial concentration and pretreatment of clinoptilolite on …
evaluate the effects of contact time, initial concentration and pretreatment of clinoptilolite on …
Sorption of lead, copper, cadmium, zinc, and nickel by marine algal biomass: characterization of biosorptive capacity and investigation of mechanisms
PX Sheng, YP Ting, JP Chen, L Hong - Journal of colloid and interface …, 2004 - Elsevier
The marine algae Sargassum sp., Padina sp., Ulva sp., and Gracillaria sp., harvested locally,
were investigated for their biosorption performance in the removal of lead, copper, cadmium …
were investigated for their biosorption performance in the removal of lead, copper, cadmium …
Comparative study of biosorption of heavy metals using different types of algae
Sorption capacity of six different algae (green, red and brown) was evaluated in the recovery
of cadmium, nickel, zinc, copper and lead from aqueous solutions. The optimum sorption …
of cadmium, nickel, zinc, copper and lead from aqueous solutions. The optimum sorption …
Biosorption of heavy metals–an overview
During the last two decades, extensive attention has been paid on the management of
environmental pollution causal by hazardous materials such as heavy metals …
environmental pollution causal by hazardous materials such as heavy metals …
Application of algae for heavy metal adsorption: A 20-year meta-analysis
Z Lin, J Li, Y Luan, W Dai - Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2020 - Elsevier
The use of algae to adsorb heavy metals is an efficient and environmentally friendly
treatment for contaminated water and has attracted widespread research attention. In this …
treatment for contaminated water and has attracted widespread research attention. In this …
Heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Zn, Ni, Cu and Cr (III)) removal from water in Malaysia: post treatment by high quality limestone
This paper presents the results of research on heavy metals removal from water by filtration
using low cost coarse media which could be used as an alternative approach to remove …
using low cost coarse media which could be used as an alternative approach to remove …