[PDF][PDF] Haematological parameters and factors affecting their values

NAN Etim, ME Williams, U Akpabio… - Agricultural science, 2014 - academia.edu
This article presents an overview of haematological parameters and factors affecting their
values. Blood act as a pathological reflector of the status of the exposed animals to toxicants …

[HTML][HTML] Protein quality of four indigenous edible insect species in Nigeria

FI Oibiokpa, HO Akanya, AA Jigam, AN Saidu… - Food Science and …, 2018 - Elsevier
Food security is a serious concern particularly for develo** countries. To overcome
hunger and malnutrition there is a need for increased research towards finding alternative …

[PDF][PDF] Dietary supplementation of Rauvolfia vomitoria root extract as a phytogenic feed additive in growing rabbit diets: Haematology and serum biochemical indices

AO Adewale, JO Alagbe, AO Adeoye - International Journal of Orange …, 2021 - ijcrsssl.com
The objective of the present study was to determine effect of dietary supplementation of
Rauvolfia vomitoria root extract (RVME) as a phytogenic feed additive in growing rabbit …

Lemongrass extract enhances productive performance, blood biomarkers, immunity, and gut health of broilers

AA El-Sahn, EA Manaa, M Amal, AM Khalifah, S Fayez… - Heliyon, 2024 - cell.com
Background Lemongrass (LG) had various phytochemical components such as saponins,
phenols, resins, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides and terpenes, minerals as well as …

[PDF][PDF] Efficacy of dried Phyllantus amarus leaf meal as an herbal feed additive on the growth performance, haematology and serum biochemistry of growing rabbits

EO Omokore, JO Alagbe - International Journal of Academic …, 2019 - allstudiesjournal.com
This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of dried Phyllanthus amarus leaf
meal (PLM) as an herbal feed additive on the growth performance, haematology and serum …

Phytochemistry, nutritional composition, and pharmacological activities of Thaumatococcus daniellii (Benth): a review

O Fadahunsi, P Adegbola, S Olorunnisola… - BioTechnologia, 2021 - termedia.pl
Since antiquity, long before the advent of allopathic drugs, herbs and medicinal plants have
been germane and significant in the management and treatment of many human ailments …

[HTML][HTML] Nutrient digestibility, growth performance, and blood indices of Boschveld chickens fed seaweed-containing diets

LT Nhlane, CM Mnisi, V Mlambo, MJ Madibana - Animals, 2020 - mdpi.com
Simple Summary Sustainable intensification of indigenous chicken strains is largely
constrained by the high cost of feed ingredients, thus limiting the growth of the poultry …

[PDF][PDF] Reference values for haematological parameters of sheep: A Review

NN Etim - The American Journal of Innovative Research and …, 2015 - Citeseer
Background: Blood which is a vital special circulatory tissue is composed of cells suspended
in a fluid intercellular substance (plasma), with the major function of maintaining …