[PDF][PDF] Iconography of mourners in Coptic art: A tangible feature of Egyptian Heritage
E Abd Elmalk - Journal of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels …, 2023 - mfth.journals.ekb.eg
Wailing women are the ones who voice the pain and whose laments serve as memory of
what and who were lost. From the Dynastic Period until the Coptic Period, mourning rites are …
what and who were lost. From the Dynastic Period until the Coptic Period, mourning rites are …
Beating tambourine in social and religious occasions till the end of greco-roman period
A Diab - International Journal of Heritage, Tourism and …, 2017 - journals.ekb.eg
Tambourine was a favorite musical instrument, known in ancient Egypt since the Old
Kingdom and still used till now. This study deals with various terminologies of tambourine in …
Kingdom and still used till now. This study deals with various terminologies of tambourine in …
تصوير النائحات فى الفن القبطى: ملمح مادى للتراث المصرى
فكرى عبدالشهيد عبدالملاك, إنجى - مجلة کلية السياحة والفنادق-جامعة …, 2023 - journals.ekb.eg
النائحات هن النساء اللاتى يعبرن عن الألم والحزن لفقدان المتوفى. منذ عصر الأسرات وحتى العصر
القبطي، ارتبطت طقوس الحداد بالتعبير العام عن مشاعر الألم و الحزن المدعومة بكلمات رثائية محددة …
القبطي، ارتبطت طقوس الحداد بالتعبير العام عن مشاعر الألم و الحزن المدعومة بكلمات رثائية محددة …
[PDF][PDF] Funerary Processions in Egypt from the Old Kingdom till the New Kingdom
A Moataz, SEB Khaled, AA Mahmoud - academia.edu
Funerary procession played an important role in ancient Egyptian tombs. Decoration of
funerary procession was a kind of art which served one basic aim that is to create an ideal …
funerary procession was a kind of art which served one basic aim that is to create an ideal …
FJ Castro-Molina - researchgate.net
Death and euphemism have always been intimately linked. The closeness of Western
culture to the faith promulgated by the Catholic Church through the death of Christ for more …
culture to the faith promulgated by the Catholic Church through the death of Christ for more …
[PDF][PDF] Thesis in The Date of Tomb TT 254 Verification through Analysis of its Scenes
SMAR Ibrahim - fundacionieae.es
This paper extrapolates and reaches an approximate date of the TOMB of TT 254, the tomb
of Mosi (Amenmose)(TT254), has not been known to Egyptologists until year 1914, when it …
of Mosi (Amenmose)(TT254), has not been known to Egyptologists until year 1914, when it …
Funerary Processions in Egypt from The Old Kingdom till The New Kingdom.
MA Al-Mahdy, KS El-Basuony… - Journal of Association …, 2019 - jaauth.journals.ekb.eg
Representation of the funeral rites on the walls of various tombs of Nobles was a common
feature throughout ancient Egypt. Painted and inscribed pictorial scenes of funerary rituals …
feature throughout ancient Egypt. Painted and inscribed pictorial scenes of funerary rituals …
Thesis in The Date of Tomb TT 254 Verification through Analysis of its Scenes
A El-Rahman, S Mohamed - Bulletin of the Center …, 2017 - bcps.journals.ekb.eg
This paper extrapolates and reaches an approximate date of the TOMB of TT 254, the tomb
of Mosi (Amenmose)(TT254), has not been known to Egyptologists until year 1914, when it …
of Mosi (Amenmose)(TT254), has not been known to Egyptologists until year 1914, when it …
[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] L'incredibile storia dei faraoni
C Barandoni - 2017 - Newton Compton editori
[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Dressing the Part: Early Christian Identity, North Africa, 100-200 CE
A Markham - 2014 - epubs.utah.edu
The study of early Christian identity in the second-third centuries is problematic. This is
because there is a paucity of material evidence and assigning a religious affiliation to that …
because there is a paucity of material evidence and assigning a religious affiliation to that …