A revised, geotechnical classification GSI system for tectonically disturbed heterogeneous rock masses, such as flysch
V Marinos - Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2019 - Springer
Use of the geological strength index (GSI) rock mass classification system and the
associated m, s and a parameter relationships linking GSI with the Hoek–Brown failure …
associated m, s and a parameter relationships linking GSI with the Hoek–Brown failure …
[HTML][HTML] Tunnel behaviour and support associated with the weak rock masses of flysch
V Marinos - Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical …, 2014 - Elsevier
Flysch formations are generally characterised by evident heterogeneity in the presence of
low strength and tectonically disturbed structures. The complexity of these geological …
low strength and tectonically disturbed structures. The complexity of these geological …
3D simulation of TBM excavation in brittle rock associated with fault zones: The Brenner Exploratory Tunnel case
K Zhao, M Janutolo, G Barla, G Chen - Engineering geology, 2014 - Elsevier
Brittle fault zones represent a major challenging geological environment for TBM tunnelling
in deep Alpine tunnels, particularly when the faults are near parallel to or cross the tunnel …
in deep Alpine tunnels, particularly when the faults are near parallel to or cross the tunnel …
Back analysis of a large landslide in a flysch rock mass
Flysch is a sedimentary rock consisting of a rhythmic alternation of hard (limestone,
sandstone, siltstone) and weak (marl, mudstone, claystone) layers. Because of the presence …
sandstone, siltstone) and weak (marl, mudstone, claystone) layers. Because of the presence …
[HTML][HTML] Numerical analyses in the design of umbrella arch systems
Due to advances in numerical modelling, it is possible to capture complex support-ground
interaction in two dimensions and three dimensions for mechanical analysis of complex …
interaction in two dimensions and three dimensions for mechanical analysis of complex …
Slope stability problems and back analysis in heavily jointed rock mass: a case study from Manisa, Turkey
M Akin - Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 2013 - Springer
This paper presents a case study regarding slope stability problems and the remedial slope
stabilization work executed during the construction of two reinforced concrete water storage …
stabilization work executed during the construction of two reinforced concrete water storage …
Evaluation of carbonate and heterogenous rock masses for the dam foundation: A case study at Kanarwe River Basin, Sulaimaniyah, NE Iraq
Evaluating rock masses for dam foundations, especially heterogeneous rock (flysch),
becomes imperative and requires accurate geomechanical classifications. The rocks at the …
becomes imperative and requires accurate geomechanical classifications. The rocks at the …
Review of current empirical approaches for determination of the weak rock mass properties
Weak rock mass strength estimation is a long-lasting challenge associated with
geotechnical engineering due to its complex nature and limited definition. Weak rock …
geotechnical engineering due to its complex nature and limited definition. Weak rock …
Weathering and excavation effects on the stability of various cut slopes in flysch-like deposits
Cut slopes are very sensitive to weathering because of disturbed rock mass and
topographical condition by excavation. During and right after an excavation process of a cut …
topographical condition by excavation. During and right after an excavation process of a cut …
Shear strength properties of Dimitrovgrad flysch, Southeastern Serbia
Flysch deposits are common in Serbia. Approximately 15% of the 250 km of highways
currently under construction will be constructed in flysch. In the most southern part of the E80 …
currently under construction will be constructed in flysch. In the most southern part of the E80 …