Scanning probe microscopy
K Bian, C Gerber, AJ Heinrich, DJ Müller… - Nature Reviews …, 2021 -
Scanning probe microscopy (SPM), a key invention in nanoscience, has by now been
extended to a wide spectrum of basic and applied fields. Its application to basic science led …
extended to a wide spectrum of basic and applied fields. Its application to basic science led …
A common thread: The pairing interaction for unconventional superconductors
DJ Scalapino - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2012 - APS
The structures, the phase diagrams, and the appearance of a neutron resonance signaling
an unconventional superconducting state provide phenomenological evidence relating the …
an unconventional superconducting state provide phenomenological evidence relating the …
Evidence for unconventional superconductivity in twisted trilayer graphene
H Kim, Y Choi, C Lewandowski, A Thomson, Y Zhang… - Nature, 2022 -
Magic-angle twisted trilayer graphene (MATTG) has emerged as a moiré material that
exhibits strong electronic correlations and unconventional superconductivity,. However …
exhibits strong electronic correlations and unconventional superconductivity,. However …
Lead‐free relaxor ferroelectrics
VV Shvartsman, DC Lupascu - Journal of the American …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
Feature size is a natural determinant of material properties. Its design offers the
technological perspectives for material improvement. Grain size, crystallite size, domain …
technological perspectives for material improvement. Grain size, crystallite size, domain …
Electrodynamics of correlated electron materials
DN Basov, RD Averitt, D Van Der Marel, M Dressel… - Reviews of Modern …, 2011 - APS
Studies of the electromagnetic response of various classes of correlated electron materials
including transition-metal oxides, organic and molecular conductors, intermetallic …
including transition-metal oxides, organic and molecular conductors, intermetallic …
Mott Transition in VO2 Revealed by Infrared Spectroscopy and Nano-Imaging
MM Qazilbash, M Brehm, BG Chae, PC Ho… - Science, 2007 -
Electrons in correlated insulators are prevented from conducting by Coulomb repulsion
between them. When an insulator-to-metal transition is induced in a correlated insulator by …
between them. When an insulator-to-metal transition is induced in a correlated insulator by …
Progress and perspectives on electron-doped cuprates
NP Armitage, P Fournier, RL Greene - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2010 - APS
Although the vast majority of high-T c cuprate superconductors are hole-doped, a small
family of electron-doped compounds exists. Underinvestigated until recently, there has been …
family of electron-doped compounds exists. Underinvestigated until recently, there has been …
Strain engineering and one-dimensional organization of metal–insulator domains in single-crystal vanadium dioxide beams
J Cao, E Ertekin, V Srinivasan, W Fan, S Huang… - Nature …, 2009 -
Correlated electron materials can undergo a variety of phase transitions, including
superconductivity, the metal–insulator transition and colossal magnetoresistance. Moreover …
superconductivity, the metal–insulator transition and colossal magnetoresistance. Moreover …
The problem with determining atomic structure at the nanoscale
SJL Billinge, I Levin - science, 2007 -
Emerging complex functional materials often have atomic order limited to the nanoscale.
Examples include nanoparticles, species encapsulated in mesoporous hosts, and bulk …
Examples include nanoparticles, species encapsulated in mesoporous hosts, and bulk …
Phonon-mediated long-range attractive interaction in one-dimensional cuprates
Establishing a minimal microscopic model for cuprates is a key step towards the elucidation
of a high-T c mechanism. By a quantitative comparison with a recent in situ angle-resolved …
of a high-T c mechanism. By a quantitative comparison with a recent in situ angle-resolved …