Emotional state recognition with EEG signals using subject independent approach
EEG signals vary from human to human and hence it is very difficult to create a subject
independent emotion recognition system. Even though subject dependent methodologies …
independent emotion recognition system. Even though subject dependent methodologies …
Emotion recognition from EEG and facial expressions: a multimodal approach
V Chaparro, A Gomez, A Salgado… - 2018 40th Annual …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The understanding of a psychological phenomena such as emotion is of paramount
importance for psychologists, since it allows to recognize a pathology and to prescribe a due …
importance for psychologists, since it allows to recognize a pathology and to prescribe a due …
Human centered mathematics: A framework for medical applications based on extended reality and artificial intelligence
Many of the called fourth revolution technologies have managed to venture into the field of
health care, allowing the possibility of generating spaces and environments focused on the …
health care, allowing the possibility of generating spaces and environments focused on the …
Adaptive Flexible Analytic Wavelet Transform for EEG-Based Emotion Recognition
Video game development heavily relies on gaming emotions of players. Video games can
trigger emotions that lead to hatred, aggressiveness, sadness, addiction, suicidal thoughts …
trigger emotions that lead to hatred, aggressiveness, sadness, addiction, suicidal thoughts …
[HTML][HTML] Brain signals classification based on fuzzy lattice reasoning
Cyber-Physical System (CPS) applications including human-robot interaction call for
automated reasoning for rational decision-making. In the latter context, typically, audio …
automated reasoning for rational decision-making. In the latter context, typically, audio …
[HTML][HTML] 单通道盲源分离的研究现状与展望
付卫红, 周新彪, 农斌 - 2017 - html.rhhz.net
摘要针对盲信号处理中一种极端的病态混叠情况, 单通道盲源分离是一个**年受到广泛关注的
重要研究方向, 并且具有广泛的应用前景. 首先阐述了单通道盲源分离的数学模型 …
重要研究方向, 并且具有广泛的应用前景. 首先阐述了单通道盲源分离的数学模型 …
From artificial intelligence to deep learning in bio-medical applications
OLQ Montoya, JG Paniagua - … Learners and Deep Learner Descriptors For …, 2020 - Springer
Since their introduction in late 80s, convolutional neural networks and auto-encoder
architectures have shown to be powerful for automatic feature extraction and information …
architectures have shown to be powerful for automatic feature extraction and information …
Enhancing Emotion Recognition in EEG Signals using Fractional Fourier Transform
J Chang, Z Wang, J Jia - 2024 IEEE 17th International …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are a valuable tool for emotion recognition due to their
effectiveness. However, their non-linear and non-stationary nature often leads to suboptimal …
effectiveness. However, their non-linear and non-stationary nature often leads to suboptimal …
[PDF][PDF] EEG verilerinden işaret işleme ve sınıflandırma teknikleri kullanılarak duygu tahmini
TB Alakuş - 2018 - researchgate.net
Bu tez çalışması süresince, engin bilgilerini benimle paylaşarak tez boyunca bana destek
olan, sürekli çalışmaya teşvik eden ve araştırmanın, okumanın önemini bana sürekli …
olan, sürekli çalışmaya teşvik eden ve araştırmanın, okumanın önemini bana sürekli …
EEG tabanlı duygu analizi sistemleri
Duygu tahmini, insan-makine arasındaki iletişimi arttırmak ve kontrol edebilmek için beyin-
bilgisayar arayüzü, sağlık hizmeti, güvenlik, e-ticaret, eğitim ve eğlence uygulamalarında …
bilgisayar arayüzü, sağlık hizmeti, güvenlik, e-ticaret, eğitim ve eğlence uygulamalarında …