Emotional state recognition with EEG signals using subject independent approach

P Pandey, KR Seeja - Data Science and Big Data Analytics: ACM-WIR …, 2018 - Springer
EEG signals vary from human to human and hence it is very difficult to create a subject
independent emotion recognition system. Even though subject dependent methodologies …

Emotion recognition from EEG and facial expressions: a multimodal approach

V Chaparro, A Gomez, A Salgado… - 2018 40th Annual …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The understanding of a psychological phenomena such as emotion is of paramount
importance for psychologists, since it allows to recognize a pathology and to prescribe a due …

Human centered mathematics: A framework for medical applications based on extended reality and artificial intelligence

YA Ortiz-Toro, OL Quintero, CAD León - Enabling Person-Centric …, 2023 - Springer
Many of the called fourth revolution technologies have managed to venture into the field of
health care, allowing the possibility of generating spaces and environments focused on the …

Adaptive Flexible Analytic Wavelet Transform for EEG-Based Emotion Recognition

AK Dwivedi, OP Verma, S Taran - IEEE Sensors Journal, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Video game development heavily relies on gaming emotions of players. Video games can
trigger emotions that lead to hatred, aggressiveness, sadness, addiction, suicidal thoughts …

[HTML][HTML] Brain signals classification based on fuzzy lattice reasoning

E Vrochidou, C Lytridis, C Bazinas, GA Papakostas… - Mathematics, 2021 - mdpi.com
Cyber-Physical System (CPS) applications including human-robot interaction call for
automated reasoning for rational decision-making. In the latter context, typically, audio …

[HTML][HTML] 单通道盲源分离的研究现状与展望

付卫红, 周新彪, 农斌 - 2017 - html.rhhz.net
摘要针对盲信号处理中一种极端的病态混叠情况, 单通道盲源分离是一个**年受到广泛关注的
重要研究方向, 并且具有广泛的应用前景. 首先阐述了单通道盲源分离的数学模型 …

From artificial intelligence to deep learning in bio-medical applications

OLQ Montoya, JG Paniagua - … Learners and Deep Learner Descriptors For …, 2020 - Springer
Since their introduction in late 80s, convolutional neural networks and auto-encoder
architectures have shown to be powerful for automatic feature extraction and information …

Enhancing Emotion Recognition in EEG Signals using Fractional Fourier Transform

J Chang, Z Wang, J Jia - 2024 IEEE 17th International …, 2024 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are a valuable tool for emotion recognition due to their
effectiveness. However, their non-linear and non-stationary nature often leads to suboptimal …

[PDF][PDF] EEG verilerinden işaret işleme ve sınıflandırma teknikleri kullanılarak duygu tahmini

TB Alakuş - 2018 - researchgate.net
Bu tez çalışması süresince, engin bilgilerini benimle paylaşarak tez boyunca bana destek
olan, sürekli çalışmaya teşvik eden ve araştırmanın, okumanın önemini bana sürekli …

EEG tabanlı duygu analizi sistemleri

TB Alakuş, İ Türkoğlu - Türkiye Bilişim Vakfı Bilgisayar Bilimleri ve …, 2018 - dergipark.org.tr
Duygu tahmini, insan-makine arasındaki iletişimi arttırmak ve kontrol edebilmek için beyin-
bilgisayar arayüzü, sağlık hizmeti, güvenlik, e-ticaret, eğitim ve eğlence uygulamalarında …