Career adaptability: A meta-analysis of relationships with measures of adaptivity, adapting responses, and adaptation results
Career adaptability, a psychosocial resource for managing career-related tasks, transitions,
and traumas, is a central construct in career construction theory and the field of vocational …
and traumas, is a central construct in career construction theory and the field of vocational …
When theory and research collide: Examining correlates of signature strengths use at work
Signature strengths are individuals' highest-ranked strengths, those that they own, celebrate,
and frequently exercise. Their use has been theorized to elicit positive affect, and contribute …
and frequently exercise. Their use has been theorized to elicit positive affect, and contribute …
The effect of the employee perceived training on job satisfaction: the mediating role of workplace stress
Purpose This study aims to mediate the impact of workplace stress and job satisfaction on
nurses' perception of training. It sheds light on the links between job satisfaction, Certified …
nurses' perception of training. It sheds light on the links between job satisfaction, Certified …
Pencapaian Kepuasan Kerja bagi Karyawan melalui Kondusivitas Lingkungan Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja
Karyawan merupakan modal perusahaan untuk menjalankan operasionalnya. Tidak hanya
penjualan yang tinggi, memiliki karyawan yang baik dan memiliki kemampuan yang dapat …
penjualan yang tinggi, memiliki karyawan yang baik dan memiliki kemampuan yang dapat …
The stressor–strain relationship in diary studies: A meta-analysis of the within and between levels
Daily diary studies use the same set of measures repeatedly for several days. Within the
work stress domain, these studies are able to isolate the effects of daily exposure to …
work stress domain, these studies are able to isolate the effects of daily exposure to …
Abusive supervision and cyberloafing: an investigation based on Stressor-Emotion-CWB theory
Purpose Cyberloafing is an organization-directed counterproductive work behavior (CWB).
One stream of literature deems cyberloafing to be bad for organizations and their …
One stream of literature deems cyberloafing to be bad for organizations and their …
Career maturity and career decision-making self-efficacy as predictors of career adaptability among students in foundation program, Universiti Putra Malaysia
This study aims to examine the key predictors between career maturity and career decision-
making self-efficacy on career adaptability among students in the Foundation Studies for the …
making self-efficacy on career adaptability among students in the Foundation Studies for the …
The good manager: Development and validation of the managerial interpersonal skills scale
It is no secret that employees leave their organizations because of bad managers-but what
about the good ones? How can researchers and organizations differentiate individuals in …
about the good ones? How can researchers and organizations differentiate individuals in …
Inherent or context-dependent? Untangling the dynamic nature of work passion from a latent growth modeling approach
While work passion is widely pursued by both employees and their organizations, the
development of passion remains largely unexplored. This gap in extant literature has …
development of passion remains largely unexplored. This gap in extant literature has …
How long does it last? Prior victimization from workplace bullying moderates the relationship between daily exposure to negative acts and subsequent depressed …
The aim of the present study was to examine the relationships between daily exposure to
negative acts and depressed mood on the same day and on the days following the …
negative acts and depressed mood on the same day and on the days following the …