[HTML][HTML] Sensitive periods of substance abuse: Early risk for the transition to dependence
Early adolescent substance use dramatically increases the risk of lifelong substance use
disorder (SUD). An adolescent sensitive period evolved to allow the development of risk …
disorder (SUD). An adolescent sensitive period evolved to allow the development of risk …
Parenting begets parenting: A neurobiological perspective on early adversity and the transmission of parenting styles across generations
The develo** brains of young children are highly sensitive to input from their social
environment. Nurturing social experience during this time promotes the acquisition of social …
environment. Nurturing social experience during this time promotes the acquisition of social …
On the motivational properties of reward cues: Individual differences
Cues associated with rewards, such as food or drugs of abuse, can themselves acquire
motivational properties. Acting as incentive stimuli, such cues can exert powerful control …
motivational properties. Acting as incentive stimuli, such cues can exert powerful control …
Quantifying individual variation in the propensity to attribute incentive salience to reward cues
If reward-associated cues acquire the properties of incentive stimuli they can come to
powerfully control behavior, and potentially promote maladaptive behavior. Pavlovian …
powerfully control behavior, and potentially promote maladaptive behavior. Pavlovian …
The role of dopamine in the accumbens core in the expression of Pavlovian‐conditioned responses
The role of dopamine in reward is a topic of debate. For example, some have argued that
phasic dopamine signaling provides a prediction‐error signal necessary for stimulus …
phasic dopamine signaling provides a prediction‐error signal necessary for stimulus …
Acquiring competence from both extrinsic and intrinsic rewards
Structured abstract Background The distinction between extrinsic and intrinsic rewards and
their related motivations has been a major concern in educational psychology for decades …
their related motivations has been a major concern in educational psychology for decades …
Map** sign-tracking and goal-tracking onto human behaviors
As evidenced through classic Pavlovian learning mechanisms, environmental cues can
become incentivized and influence behavior. These stimulus-outcome associations are …
become incentivized and influence behavior. These stimulus-outcome associations are …
Individual variation in resisting temptation: implications for addiction
When exposed to the sights, sounds, smells and/or places that have been associated with
rewards, such as food or drugs, some individuals have difficulty resisting the temptation to …
rewards, such as food or drugs, some individuals have difficulty resisting the temptation to …
Reward uncertainty enhances incentive salience attribution as sign-tracking
Conditioned stimuli (CSs) come to act as motivational magnets following repeated
association with unconditioned stimuli (UCSs) such as sucrose rewards. By traditional …
association with unconditioned stimuli (UCSs) such as sucrose rewards. By traditional …
Rats prone to attribute incentive salience to reward cues are also prone to impulsive action
Animals vary considerably in the degree to which they attribute incentive salience to cues
predictive of reward. When a discrete cue (conditional stimulus) is repeatedly paired with …
predictive of reward. When a discrete cue (conditional stimulus) is repeatedly paired with …