Transparent electronics for wearable electronics application
Recent advancements in wearable electronics offer seamless integration with the human
body for extracting various biophysical and biochemical information for real-time health …
body for extracting various biophysical and biochemical information for real-time health …
Polymer-based triboelectric nanogenerators: Materials, characterization, and applications
Triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs), a nascent field in energy conversion technologies,
provide a novel approach to producing electrical energy from mechanical motion in the …
provide a novel approach to producing electrical energy from mechanical motion in the …
The electrical conductivity of solution-processed nanosheet networks
Solution-processed networks of 2D nanosheets are promising for a range of applications in
the field of printed electronics. However, the electrical performance of these networks …
the field of printed electronics. However, the electrical performance of these networks …
Material‐based approaches for the fabrication of stretchable electronics
Stretchable electronics are mechanically compatible with a variety of objects, especially with
the soft curvilinear contours of the human body, enabling human‐friendly electronics …
the soft curvilinear contours of the human body, enabling human‐friendly electronics …
Printing conductive nanomaterials for flexible and stretchable electronics: A review of materials, processes, and applications
Q Huang, Y Zhu - Advanced Materials Technologies, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Printed electronics is attracting a great deal of attention in both research and
commercialization as it enables fabrication of large‐scale, low‐cost electronic devices on a …
commercialization as it enables fabrication of large‐scale, low‐cost electronic devices on a …
High-performance stretchable conductive nanocomposites: materials, processes, and device applications
Highly conductive and intrinsically stretchable electrodes are vital components of soft
electronics such as stretchable transistors and circuits, sensors and actuators, light-emitting …
electronics such as stretchable transistors and circuits, sensors and actuators, light-emitting …
Nanoscale physical unclonable function labels based on block copolymer self-assembly
Hardware-based cryptography that exploits physical unclonable functions is required for the
secure identification and authentication of devices in the Internet of Things. However …
secure identification and authentication of devices in the Internet of Things. However …
One-dimensional metal nanostructures: from colloidal syntheses to applications
This Review offers a comprehensive review of the colloidal synthesis, mechanistic
understanding, physicochemical properties, and applications of one-dimensional (1D) metal …
understanding, physicochemical properties, and applications of one-dimensional (1D) metal …
Polymer nanocomposite meshes for flexible electronic devices
Flexible electronic devices featuring fashionable wearability, flexibility, and compatibility are
drawing considerable attention for use in touch screens, healthcare monitoring, smart …
drawing considerable attention for use in touch screens, healthcare monitoring, smart …
Metal nanowire networks: the next generation of transparent conductors
S Ye, AR Rathmell, Z Chen, IE Stewart… - Advanced …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
There is an ongoing drive to replace the most common transparent conductor, indium tin
oxide (ITO), with a material that gives comparable performance, but can be coated from …
oxide (ITO), with a material that gives comparable performance, but can be coated from …