Building change detection in multitemporal very high resolution SAR images
The increasing availability of very high resolution (VHR) images regularly acquired over
urban areas opens new attractive opportunities for monitoring human settlements at the …
urban areas opens new attractive opportunities for monitoring human settlements at the …
[ספר][B] Global urban monitoring and assessment through earth observation
Q Weng - 2014 - books.google.com
Cities and towns are the original producers of many of the global environmental problems
related to waste disposal, and air and water pollution. There is a rapidly growing need for …
related to waste disposal, and air and water pollution. There is a rapidly growing need for …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing the performance of multi-resolution satellite SAR images for post-earthquake damage detection and map** aimed at emergency response …
The increasing availability of satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images is opening
new opportunities for operational support to predictive maintenance and emergency actions …
new opportunities for operational support to predictive maintenance and emergency actions …
[HTML][HTML] Object-based analysis of airborne LiDAR data for building change detection
Building change detection is useful for land management, disaster assessment, illegal
building identification, urban growth monitoring, and geographic information database …
building identification, urban growth monitoring, and geographic information database …
Concurrent self-organizing maps for supervised/unsupervised change detection in remote sensing images
This paper proposes two approaches to change detection in bitemporal remote sensing
images based on concurrent self-organizing maps (CSOM) neural classifier. The first one …
images based on concurrent self-organizing maps (CSOM) neural classifier. The first one …
A morphology-based method for building change detection using multi-temporal airborne LiDAR data
The detection of building changes plays an important role for land management and urban
planning. This study proposes an automatic method that applies the morphology-based …
planning. This study proposes an automatic method that applies the morphology-based …
Multiresolution change analysis framework for postdisaster assessment of natural gas pipeline risk
Natural disasters, such as hurricanes and floods, pose significant threats to the integrity of
natural gas pipelines. In an emergency situation following a disaster, thorough pipeline …
natural gas pipelines. In an emergency situation following a disaster, thorough pipeline …
Synthetic aperture radar image enhancement for object detection
Within the broad field of remote sensing, object detection utilising SAR images is an
important application such as deforestation, marine monitoring, security for the defence and …
important application such as deforestation, marine monitoring, security for the defence and …
[ספר][B] Urban damage detection in high resolution amplitude SAR images
PTB Brett - 2013 - search.proquest.com
The majority of the world's human population lives in towns and cities. High population
densities mean that damage and disruption caused by natural disasters and other events …
densities mean that damage and disruption caused by natural disasters and other events …