The three generations of field-level networks—Evolution and compatibility issues

T Sauter - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2010 -
Field-level networks have been one of the keys to modern automation systems. Be it in
factory, process, or building automation, networks allow for horizontal and vertical …

Industrial communication systems and their future challenges: Next-generation Ethernet, IIoT, and 5G

S Vitturi, C Zunino, T Sauter - Proceedings of the IEEE, 2019 -
Industrial communication systems represent one of the most important innovations of the last
decades in the context of factory and process automation systems. They are networks …

Data cleaning for RFID and WSN integration

L Wang, L Da Xu, Z Bi, Y Xu - IEEE transactions on industrial …, 2013 -
Today's manufacturing environments are very dynamic and turbulent. Traditional enterprise
information systems (EISs) have mostly been implemented upon hierarchical architectures …

EARQ: Energy aware routing for real-time and reliable communication in wireless industrial sensor networks

J Heo, J Hong, Y Cho - IEEE Transactions on Industrial …, 2009 -
Wireless industrial sensor networks are wireless sensor networks which have been adapted
to industrial applications. Most techniques for wireless sensor networks can be applied to …

Experimental study of coexistence issues between IEEE 802.11 b and IEEE 802.15. 4 wireless networks

L Angrisani, M Bertocco, D Fortin… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2008 -
Coexistence issues between IEEE 802.11 b wireless communication networks and IEEE
802.15. 4 wireless sensor networks, operating over the 2.4-GHz industrial, scientific, and …

Efficient integration of secure and safety critical industrial wireless sensor networks

J Åkerberg, M Gidlund, T Lennvall, J Neander… - EURASIP Journal on …, 2011 - Springer
Wireless communication has gained more interest in industrial automation due to flexibility,
mobility, and cost reduction. Wireless systems, in general, require additional and different …

Achieving hybrid wired/wireless industrial networks with WDetServ: Reliability-based scheduling for delay guarantees

S Zoppi, A Van Bemten, HM Gürsu… - IEEE Transactions …, 2018 -
Industrial control systems are foreseen to operate over hybrid wired/wireless networks.
While the controller will be deployed in the wired network, sensors and actuators will be …

A new MAC scheme specifically suited for real-time industrial communication based on IEEE 802.11 e

R Viegas Jr, LA Guedes, F Vasques, P Portugal… - Computers & Electrical …, 2013 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a new real-time communication scheme for 802.11 e wireless
networks. This scheme is called Group Sequential Communication (GSC). The GSC …

Experimental evaluation of the service time for industrial hybrid (wired/wireless) networks under non-ideal environmental conditions

L Seno, S Vitturi, F Tramarin - ETFA2011, 2011 -
In industrial communication systems, the unavailability of models of real components, in
particular of their behavior in the presence of non-ideal channels, often leads to consistent …

On the feasibility to deploy mobile industrial applications using wireless communications

J Gozalvez, M Sepulcre, JA Palazon - Computers in industry, 2014 - Elsevier
Wireless communications can facilitate the deployment of novel industrial applications to
improve productivity or health and safety conditions. Health and safety applications require …