The three generations of field-level networks—Evolution and compatibility issues
T Sauter - IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2010 -
Field-level networks have been one of the keys to modern automation systems. Be it in
factory, process, or building automation, networks allow for horizontal and vertical …
factory, process, or building automation, networks allow for horizontal and vertical …
Industrial communication systems and their future challenges: Next-generation Ethernet, IIoT, and 5G
Industrial communication systems represent one of the most important innovations of the last
decades in the context of factory and process automation systems. They are networks …
decades in the context of factory and process automation systems. They are networks …
Data cleaning for RFID and WSN integration
Today's manufacturing environments are very dynamic and turbulent. Traditional enterprise
information systems (EISs) have mostly been implemented upon hierarchical architectures …
information systems (EISs) have mostly been implemented upon hierarchical architectures …
EARQ: Energy aware routing for real-time and reliable communication in wireless industrial sensor networks
Wireless industrial sensor networks are wireless sensor networks which have been adapted
to industrial applications. Most techniques for wireless sensor networks can be applied to …
to industrial applications. Most techniques for wireless sensor networks can be applied to …
Experimental study of coexistence issues between IEEE 802.11 b and IEEE 802.15. 4 wireless networks
Coexistence issues between IEEE 802.11 b wireless communication networks and IEEE
802.15. 4 wireless sensor networks, operating over the 2.4-GHz industrial, scientific, and …
802.15. 4 wireless sensor networks, operating over the 2.4-GHz industrial, scientific, and …
Efficient integration of secure and safety critical industrial wireless sensor networks
Wireless communication has gained more interest in industrial automation due to flexibility,
mobility, and cost reduction. Wireless systems, in general, require additional and different …
mobility, and cost reduction. Wireless systems, in general, require additional and different …
Achieving hybrid wired/wireless industrial networks with WDetServ: Reliability-based scheduling for delay guarantees
Industrial control systems are foreseen to operate over hybrid wired/wireless networks.
While the controller will be deployed in the wired network, sensors and actuators will be …
While the controller will be deployed in the wired network, sensors and actuators will be …
A new MAC scheme specifically suited for real-time industrial communication based on IEEE 802.11 e
This paper proposes a new real-time communication scheme for 802.11 e wireless
networks. This scheme is called Group Sequential Communication (GSC). The GSC …
networks. This scheme is called Group Sequential Communication (GSC). The GSC …
Experimental evaluation of the service time for industrial hybrid (wired/wireless) networks under non-ideal environmental conditions
In industrial communication systems, the unavailability of models of real components, in
particular of their behavior in the presence of non-ideal channels, often leads to consistent …
particular of their behavior in the presence of non-ideal channels, often leads to consistent …
On the feasibility to deploy mobile industrial applications using wireless communications
Wireless communications can facilitate the deployment of novel industrial applications to
improve productivity or health and safety conditions. Health and safety applications require …
improve productivity or health and safety conditions. Health and safety applications require …