Progress in phenanthroline-derived extractants for trivalent actinides and lanthanides separation: where to next?
X Yang, L Xu, D Fang, A Zhang, C **ao - Chemical Communications, 2024 - pubs.rsc.org
Spent nuclear fuel (SNF) released from reactors possesses significant radioactivity, heat
release properties, and high-value radioactive nuclides. Therefore, using chemical methods …
release properties, and high-value radioactive nuclides. Therefore, using chemical methods …
Combining copper and zinc into a biosensor for anti-chemoresistance and achieving osteosarcoma therapeutic efficacy
Due to its built-up chemoresistance after prolonged usage, the demand for replacing
platinum in metal-based drugs (MBD) is rising. The first MBD approved by the FDA for …
platinum in metal-based drugs (MBD) is rising. The first MBD approved by the FDA for …
Observation of a promethium complex in solution
Lanthanide rare-earth metals are ubiquitous in modern technologies,,,–, but we know little
about chemistry of the 61st element, promethium (Pm), a lanthanide that is highly radioactive …
about chemistry of the 61st element, promethium (Pm), a lanthanide that is highly radioactive …
Tetradentate Ligand's Chameleon-Like Behavior Offers Recognition of Specific Lanthanides
The surging demand for high-purity individual lanthanides necessitates the development of
novel and exceptionally selective separation strategies. At the heart of these separation …
novel and exceptionally selective separation strategies. At the heart of these separation …
Insights into coordination and ligand trends of lanthanide complexes from the Cambridge Structural Database
Understanding lanthanide coordination chemistry can help develop new ligands for more
efficient separation of lanthanides for critical materials needs. The Cambridge Structural …
efficient separation of lanthanides for critical materials needs. The Cambridge Structural …
Ligand structure optimization leads to efficient acid-resist Am (III)/Eu (III) separation in n-octanol
Y Liu, M Bao, L Wang, Y Kang, Y Dou, J Qin… - Chemical Engineering …, 2024 - Elsevier
Liquid-liquid extraction is the most wildly adopted industrial Lns/Ans separation approach
which takes advantages of the subtle atomic size differences for Lns and Ans. Preorganized …
which takes advantages of the subtle atomic size differences for Lns and Ans. Preorganized …
Selective Recovery of Cerium as High-Purity Oxides via Reactive Separation Using CO2-Responsive Structured Ligands
Development of new ligand systems that selectively extract and release critical elements,
such as lanthanides, in the presence of other metal ions at significantly higher …
such as lanthanides, in the presence of other metal ions at significantly higher …
Protein-based approach for high-purity Sc, Y, and grouped lanthanide separation
Abstract Rare earth elements (REEs: Sc, Y, La-Lu) are irreplaceable components in many
clean energy and consumer technologies. However, the extraction and subsequent …
clean energy and consumer technologies. However, the extraction and subsequent …
Hydroxyl-group functionalized phenanthroline diimides as efficient masking agents for Am (III)/Eu (III) separation under harsh conditions
The separation of Lns (III) from radioactive Ans (III) in high-level liquid waste remains a
formidable hydrometallurgical challenge. Water-soluble ligands are believed to be new …
formidable hydrometallurgical challenge. Water-soluble ligands are believed to be new …
Chelator‐Assisted Precipitation‐Based Separation of the Rare Earth Elements Neodymium and Dysprosium from Aqueous Solutions
Y Gao, GL Licup, NP Bigham… - Angewandte Chemie …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
The rare earth elements (REEs) are critical resources for many clean energy technologies,
but are difficult to obtain in their elementally pure forms because of their nearly identical …
but are difficult to obtain in their elementally pure forms because of their nearly identical …