Improved ACO algorithm with pheromone correction strategy for the traveling salesman problem
M Tuba, R Jovanovic - International Journal of Computers …, 2013 -
A new, improved ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm with novel pheromone correction
strategy is introduced. It is implemented and tested on the traveling salesman problem …
strategy is introduced. It is implemented and tested on the traveling salesman problem …
LEACH-KANG: A new routing protocol for WSN based on leach protocol and Kangaroo method
We offer in the present paper a novel routing protocol for wireless sensor networks by using
the hybrid between leach protocol and a heuristic method to reduce sensor energy …
the hybrid between leach protocol and a heuristic method to reduce sensor energy …
Açık Atölye Tipi Çizelgeleme (AATÇ) problemi temelde, her bir işin her makinede işlem
görmesi gerekensadece bir işleminin bulunduğu ve işlem sırasının önemli olmadığı bir …
görmesi gerekensadece bir işleminin bulunduğu ve işlem sırasının önemli olmadığı bir …
Solving an integration process planning and scheduling in a flexible job shop using a hybrid approach
Traditionally, process planning and scheduling functions are performed sequentially, where
scheduling is implemented after process plans has been generated. Recent research works …
scheduling is implemented after process plans has been generated. Recent research works …
Minimization of the total weighted tardiness on a single machine scheduling problem with a position based learning effect and unequal release dates
S Muştu, T Eren - INFOR: Information Systems and Operational …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
This paper concerns with the total weighted tardiness on a single machine scheduling
problem with the concept of learning effect and unequal release dates. A mathematical …
problem with the concept of learning effect and unequal release dates. A mathematical …
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Approach towards problem solving on single machine scheduling with unequal release dates and learning effect
D Dutta - INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper concerns the total weighted tardiness on single machine scheduling problem
with the concept of learning effect and unequal release dates. A mathematical model is …
with the concept of learning effect and unequal release dates. A mathematical model is …
Hybridized ant colony system for tasks to workstations assignment
A Serbencu, V Minzu - 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on …, 2016 -
Ant Colony System is a well-known metaheuristic used to solve combinatorial optimization
problems that is not intrinsically prepared to deal with precedence constraints. The work …
problems that is not intrinsically prepared to deal with precedence constraints. The work …
Atölye tipi çizelgeleme problemlerinde evrimsel algoritmalar ile yapay arı kolonisi algoritmasının bütünleşik bir yaklaşımı
M Özcan - 2016 -
Hayatımızın birçok alanında çok önemli bir yeri olan çizelgeleme problemlerinin çözümü ile
ilgili olarak yıllardır çok ciddi çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmaların yapılmasında şüphesiz …
ilgili olarak yıllardır çok ciddi çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Bu çalışmaların yapılmasında şüphesiz …
Bulanık öğrenme etkili akış tipi çizelgeleme problemlerinin paralel kanguru algoritması ile çözümü
AS Küpeli, O Engin, BE Engin - Kapadokya Akademik Bakış, 2017 -
Knowing that the schedulingproblems considering learning ability can give more realistic
results, thispaper deals with flow shop scheduling problem considering learning effects …
results, thispaper deals with flow shop scheduling problem considering learning effects …