Antipredator defences in motion: animals reduce predation risks by concealing or misleading motion signals
Motion is a crucial part of the natural world, yet our understanding of how animals avoid
predation whilst moving remains rather limited. Although several theories have been …
predation whilst moving remains rather limited. Although several theories have been …
Towards an ecology of protective coloration
The strategies underlying different forms of protective coloration are well understood but little
attention has been paid to the ecological, life‐history and behavioural circumstances under …
attention has been paid to the ecological, life‐history and behavioural circumstances under …
Dazzle: surface patterns that impede interception
Abstract 'Dazzle coloration'describes a wide variety of high-contrast patterns allegedly
providing protection against attack during motion. Previous research falls into three broad …
providing protection against attack during motion. Previous research falls into three broad …
The evolution of startle displays: a case study in praying mantises
Anti-predator defences are typically regarded as relatively static signals that conceal prey or
advertise their unprofitability. However, startle displays are complex performances that deter …
advertise their unprofitability. However, startle displays are complex performances that deter …
Consistent associations between body size and hidden contrasting color signals across a range of insect taxa
While there have been a number of recent advances in our understanding of the evolution of
animal color patterns, much of this work has focused on color patterns that are constantly …
animal color patterns, much of this work has focused on color patterns that are constantly …
The adaptive significance of flash behavior: a Bayesian model
Some cryptic animals have conspicuous color patches that are displayed when they move.
This “flash behavior” may serve several functions, but perhaps the most widely invoked …
This “flash behavior” may serve several functions, but perhaps the most widely invoked …
The Relevance of Flash Coloration Against Avian Predation in a Morpho Butterfly: A Field Experiment in a Tropical Rainforest
The flash coloration hypothesis postulates that otherwise cryptically colored animals
suddenly displaying conspicuous colors during movement confuse predators, reducing …
suddenly displaying conspicuous colors during movement confuse predators, reducing …
The anti-predation benefit of flash displays is related to the distance at which the prey initiates its escape
Flash behaviour is widespread in the animal kingdom and describes the exposure of a
hidden conspicuous signal as an animal flees from predators. Recent studies have …
hidden conspicuous signal as an animal flees from predators. Recent studies have …
Flash behavior in mammals?
Conspicuous coloration in animals has many possible functions including signaling to
conspecifics, or predator deterrence through confusion, intimidation, and du**; the last …
conspecifics, or predator deterrence through confusion, intimidation, and du**; the last …
Measuring mimicry: methods for quantifying visual similarity
The existence of substantial variation in the accuracy of resemblance of mimics to their
models remains a fundamental evolutionary question, and the ability to quantify mimetic …
models remains a fundamental evolutionary question, and the ability to quantify mimetic …