[HTML][HTML] Structure–property relationship and chemical aspects of oxide–metal hybrid nanostructures
S Surnev, A Fortunelli, FP Netzer - Chemical Reviews, 2013 - ACS Publications
The concept of coupling a nanometer or subnanometer scale oxide phase to a metal surface
to form a metal–oxide hybrid material with novel properties is an attractive approach in the …
to form a metal–oxide hybrid material with novel properties is an attractive approach in the …
Amorphization-induced surface electronic states modulation of cobaltous oxide nanosheets for lithium-sulfur batteries
Lithium-sulfur batteries show great potential to achieve high-energy-density storage, but
their long-term stability is still limited due to the shuttle effect caused by the dissolution of …
their long-term stability is still limited due to the shuttle effect caused by the dissolution of …
Towards Kitaev spin liquid in transition metal compounds
H Liu - International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2021 - World Scientific
This paper reviews the current progress on searching the Kitaev spin liquid state in 3 d
electron systems. Honeycomb cobaltates were recently proposed as promising candidates …
electron systems. Honeycomb cobaltates were recently proposed as promising candidates …
Voltage-and time-dependent valence state transition in cobalt oxide catalysts during the oxygen evolution reaction
The ability to determine the electronic structure of catalysts during electrochemical reactions
is highly important for identification of the active sites and the reaction mechanism. Here we …
is highly important for identification of the active sites and the reaction mechanism. Here we …
Unification of catalytic water oxidation and oxygen reduction reactions: amorphous beat crystalline cobalt iron oxides
Catalytic water splitting to hydrogen and oxygen is considered as one of the convenient
routes for the sustainable energy conversion. Bifunctional catalysts for the electrocatalytic …
routes for the sustainable energy conversion. Bifunctional catalysts for the electrocatalytic …
Kitaev Spin Liquid in Transition Metal Compounds
H Liu, J Chaloupka, G Khaliullin - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
We study the exchange interactions and resulting magnetic phases in the honeycomb
cobaltates. For a broad range of trigonal crystal fields acting on Co 2+ ions, the low-energy …
cobaltates. For a broad range of trigonal crystal fields acting on Co 2+ ions, the low-energy …
Multiplet ligand-field theory using Wannier orbitals
We demonstrate how ab initio cluster calculations including the full Coulomb vertex can be
done in the basis of the localized Wannier orbitals which describe the low-energy density …
done in the basis of the localized Wannier orbitals which describe the low-energy density …
Spin State Transition in Studied Using Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy <?format ?>and Magnetic Circular Dichroism
Using soft x-ray absorption spectroscopy and magnetic circular dichroism at the Co-L 2, 3
edge, we reveal that the spin state transition in LaCoO 3 can be well described by a low-spin …
edge, we reveal that the spin state transition in LaCoO 3 can be well described by a low-spin …
Quanty for core level spectroscopy-excitons, resonances and band excitations in time and frequency domain
MW Haverkort - Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
Depending on the material and edge under consideration, core level spectra manifest
themselves as local excitons with multiplets, edge singularities, resonances, or the local …
themselves as local excitons with multiplets, edge singularities, resonances, or the local …
: Quasiparticle self-consistent with ladder diagrams in
We present an extension of the quasiparticle self-consistent GW approximation (QS GW)[T.
Kotani, Phys. Rev. B 76, 165106 (2007) 10.1103/PhysRevB. 76.165106] to include vertex …
Kotani, Phys. Rev. B 76, 165106 (2007) 10.1103/PhysRevB. 76.165106] to include vertex …