To help or not to help: LLM-based attentive support for human-robot group interactions

D Tanneberg, F Ocker, S Hasler… - 2024 IEEE/RSJ …, 2024 -
How can a robot provide unobtrusive physical support within a group of humans? We
present Attentive Support, a novel interaction concept for robots to support a group of …

What should a robot disclose about me? A study about privacy-appropriate behaviors for social robots

M Dietrich, M Krüger, TH Weisswange - Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2023 -
For robots to become integrated into our daily environment, they must be designed to gain
sufficient trust of both users and bystanders. This is in particular important for social robots …

Social Robots as Social Proxies for Fostering Connection and Empathy Towards Humanity

J Shen, A Lee, S Alghowinem, R Adkins… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2025 -
Despite living in an increasingly connected world, social isolation is a prevalent issue today.
While social robots have been explored as tools to enhance social connection through …

Amélioration des interactions de groupes hybrides à travers la cohésion

M Sassier, J Saunier, A Pauchet - Workshop sur les Affects …, 2024 -
Comprendre comment des agents conversationnels incarnés (ACIs) peuvent avoir un
impact positif sur les interactions de groupe est fondamental pour leur déploiement dans …

Robots as mediators to resolve multi-user preference conflicts

A Civit Bertran, R Stower, I Leite, A Andriella… - 2024 -
In real-life scenarios, robots will have to make decisions that involve multiple users. The
current literature does not consider scenarios where a robot interacts with users who have …