[PDF][PDF] Мелкие pn-переходы в Si, изготовленные методом импульсного фотонного отжига

СТ Шишияну, ТС Шишияну… - Физика и техника …, 2002 - journals.ioffe.ru
Получены и исследованы мелкие и сверхтонкие переходы, изготовленные методом
стимулированной диффузии P из фосфоросиликатного стекла и B из боросиликатного …

The mechanism of enhanced diffusion of phosphorus in silicon during rapid photothermal processing of solar cells

S Shishiyanu, R Singh, T Shishiyanu… - IEEE transactions on …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, we have presented the experimental results of phosphorus diffusion in silicon
for the cases of rapid thermal processing (RTP) and rapid photothermal processing (RPP). In …

Shallow pn junctions formed in silicon using pulsed photon annealing

ST Şişianu, TS Şişianu, SK Railean - Semiconductors, 2002 - Springer
Shallow and ultrashallow pn junctions were formed in Si by stimulated diffusion of P from
phosphosilicate glass and B from borosilicate glass under pulsed photon annealing …

Modern and low-cost technology with rapid photothermal processing for silicon solar cells fabrication

S Shishiyanu, R Singh, T Shishiyanu, K Poole - 2005 - repository.utm.md
The modern and inexpensive Nonconventional Technology with Rapid Photothermal
Processing (RPP) and Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) presents an important direction in …

[PDF][PDF] On the occasion of 75th anniversary of full universite professor, correspondent member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova Teodor Shishiyanu

V Kantser - Moldavian Journal of the Physical Sciences, 2008 - ibn.idsi.md
The present paper illustrates some aspects of scientific investigations of Professor Teodor
Shishiyanu together with the research of Professor Rajendra Singh (USA) in order to outline …