[HTML][HTML] The role of infrequently mobile boulders in modulating landscape evolution and geomorphic hazards
A landscape's sediment grain size distribution is the product of, and an important influence
on, earth surface processes and landscape evolution. Grains can be large enough that the …
on, earth surface processes and landscape evolution. Grains can be large enough that the …
Drainage area, bedrock fracture spacing, and weathering controls on landscape‐scale patterns in surface sediment grain size
Sediment grain size links sediment production, weathering, and fining from fractured
bedrock on hillslopes to river incision and landscape relief. Yet models of sediment grain …
bedrock on hillslopes to river incision and landscape relief. Yet models of sediment grain …
[HTML][HTML] HyLands 1.0: a hybrid landscape evolution model to simulate the impact of landslides and landslide-derived sediment on landscape evolution
Landslides are the main source of sediment in most mountain ranges. Rivers then act as
conveyor belts, evacuating landslide-derived sediment. Sediment dynamics are known to …
conveyor belts, evacuating landslide-derived sediment. Sediment dynamics are known to …
Rock properties and sediment caliber govern bedrock river morphology across the Taiwan Central Range
Feedbacks between surface and deep Earth processes in collisional mountain belts depend
on how erosion and topographic relief vary in space and time. One outstanding unknown …
on how erosion and topographic relief vary in space and time. One outstanding unknown …
[HTML][HTML] Parameterization of river incision models requires accounting for environmental heterogeneity: insights from the tropical Andes
Landscape evolution models can be used to assess the impact of rainfall variability on
bedrock river incision over millennial timescales. However, isolating the role of rainfall …
bedrock river incision over millennial timescales. However, isolating the role of rainfall …
Earth's topographic relief potentially limited by an upper bound on channel steepness
Rivers limit the maximum elevation of active mountain belts, control the coupling between
climate and tectonic processes, and archive the pace and tempo of fault-related rock uplift …
climate and tectonic processes, and archive the pace and tempo of fault-related rock uplift …
Inverting topography for landscape evolution model process representation: 1. Conceptualization and sensitivity analysis
Despite considerable community effort, there is no general set of equations to model long‐
term landscape evolution. In order to determine a suitable set of landscape evolution …
term landscape evolution. In order to determine a suitable set of landscape evolution …
[HTML][HTML] Canyon shape and erosion dynamics governed by channel-hillslope feedbacks
Geologists frequently debate the origin of iconic river canyons, as well as the extent to which
they record climatic and tectonic signals. Fluvial and hillslope processes work in concert to …
they record climatic and tectonic signals. Fluvial and hillslope processes work in concert to …
Isolating climatic, tectonic, and lithologic controls on mountain landscape evolution
Establishing that climate exerts an important general influence on topography in tectonically
active settings has proven an elusive goal. Here, we show that climates ranging from arid to …
active settings has proven an elusive goal. Here, we show that climates ranging from arid to …
[HTML][HTML] Timing of exotic, far-traveled boulder emplacement and paleo-outburst flooding in the central Himalayas
Large boulders, ca. 10 m in diameter or more, commonly linger in Himalayan river channels.
In many cases, their lithology is consistent with source areas located more than 10 km …
In many cases, their lithology is consistent with source areas located more than 10 km …