Electrochemical and photochemical characteristics of organic dyes and biological molecules at conducting polymer-modified electrodes of indium oxide-polypyrrole …
The use of In 2 O 3 nanomaterials is increasing due to their many applications in a range of
areas, such as biomedicine, semiconductor and photocatalyst. There are very poor studies …
areas, such as biomedicine, semiconductor and photocatalyst. There are very poor studies …
Nanocubes of indium oxide induce cytotoxicity and apoptosis through oxidative stress in human lung epithelial cells
The demand for semiconductor indium oxide (In 2 O 3) nanocrystals is increasing because
of their diverse applications, including in biomedicine. However, there is a scarcity of studies …
of their diverse applications, including in biomedicine. However, there is a scarcity of studies …
Enhanced electrochemical reactions at hierarchical nanoporous indium tin oxide based on self-assembly of nanocubes
The enhanced catalytic activity of the nanoporous electrodes with small and uniform pores is
caused by structural effects and represents a significant breakthrough in catalysis research …
caused by structural effects and represents a significant breakthrough in catalysis research …
Intracellular accumulation of indium ions released from nanoparticles induces oxidative stress, proinflammatory response and DNA damage
Due to the widespread use of indium tin oxide (ITO), it is important to investigate its effect on
human health. In this study, we evaluated the cellular effects of ITO nanoparticles (NPs) …
human health. In this study, we evaluated the cellular effects of ITO nanoparticles (NPs) …
[PDF][PDF] Characteristics of selected methods for the synthesis of nanometric zirconium oxide–critical review Charakterystyka wybranych metod syntezy …
J Kwaśny, W Balcerzak - Technical Transactions, 2017 - suw.biblos.pk.edu.pl
Wysoka stabilność chemiczna, odporność na zmiany pH, ciśnienia i temperatury sprawiły,
że tlenek cyrkonu znajduje szerokie zastosowanie w wielu dziedzinach. Jest stosowany w …
że tlenek cyrkonu znajduje szerokie zastosowanie w wielu dziedzinach. Jest stosowany w …
Reactive oxygen species independent genotoxicity of indium tin oxide nanoparticles triggered by intracellular degradation
Indium tin oxide (ITO) is widely used as a transparent conducting electrode in photoelectron
devices. Because ITO production has soared, the potential health hazards caused by …
devices. Because ITO production has soared, the potential health hazards caused by …
Characterization and exposure measurement for indium oxide nanofibers generated as byproducts in the LED manufacturing environment
KM Choi, HC An - Journal of Occupational and Environmental …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This article aimed to elucidate the physicochemical characteristics and exposure
concentration of powder and airborne particles as byproducts generated from indium tin …
concentration of powder and airborne particles as byproducts generated from indium tin …
[КНИГА][B] A colloidal nanoparticle form of indium tin oxide: system development and characterization
RA Gilstrap Jr - 2009 - search.proquest.com
A logical progression from the maturing field of colloidal semiconductor quantum dots to the
emerging subclass of impurity-doped colloidal semiconductor nanoparticles is underway. To …
emerging subclass of impurity-doped colloidal semiconductor nanoparticles is underway. To …
Synthesis of corundum structure ITO nanocrystals by hydrothermal process at low pressure and low temperature
The corundum structures of In 2 O 3: Sn (ITO) nanoparticles were synthesized by
hydrothermal processing of InCl 3 and SnCl 4· 5H 2 O precursor at low temperature of 250° …
hydrothermal processing of InCl 3 and SnCl 4· 5H 2 O precursor at low temperature of 250° …
Role of the annealing parameters on the resistance of indium tin oxide nanocrystalline films
The optical and electrical properties of films made of nanoparticles of indium tin oxide (ITO)
are widely studied because of the significance of this material for transparent electrodes …
are widely studied because of the significance of this material for transparent electrodes …