Trends and perspectives in animal‐attached remote sensing
Animal‐attached remote sensing, or bio‐logging, refers to the deployment of autonomous
recording tags on free‐living animals, so that multiple variables can be monitored at rates of …
recording tags on free‐living animals, so that multiple variables can be monitored at rates of …
A review of gastrolith function with implications for fossil vertebrates and a revised classification
O Wings - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 2007 -
Misleading interpretations of “gastroliths” in fossil taxa have complicated the use of this term
in palaeontology. This pa− per reviews the definitions and ascribed functions of gastroliths …
in palaeontology. This pa− per reviews the definitions and ascribed functions of gastroliths …
Foraging ecology of northern elephant seals
Sexual segregation in foraging is predicted from the great size disparity of male and female
northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris. Our aim was to test this prediction by …
northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris. Our aim was to test this prediction by …
Sink or swim: strategies for cost-efficient diving by marine mammals
Locomotor activity by diving marine mammals is accomplished while breath-holding and
often exceeds predicted aerobic capacities. Video sequences of freely diving seals and …
often exceeds predicted aerobic capacities. Video sequences of freely diving seals and …
Foraging behavior and success of a mesopelagic predator in the northeast Pacific Ocean: insights from a data-rich species, the northern elephant seal
The mesopelagic zone of the northeast Pacific Ocean is an important foraging habitat for
many predators, yet few studies have addressed the factors driving basin-scale predator …
many predators, yet few studies have addressed the factors driving basin-scale predator …
Swimming gaits, passive drag and buoyancy of diving sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus
Drag and buoyancy are two primary external forces acting on diving marine mammals. The
strength of these forces modulates the energetic cost of movement and may influence …
strength of these forces modulates the energetic cost of movement and may influence …
An accurate and adaptable photogrammetric approach for estimating the mass and body condition of pinnipeds using an unmanned aerial system
Measurements of body size and mass are fundamental to pinniped population management
and research. Manual measurements tend to be accurate but are invasive and logistically …
and research. Manual measurements tend to be accurate but are invasive and logistically …
Behaviour of leatherback sea turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, during the migratory cycle
MC James, RA Myers… - Proceedings of the …, 2005 -
Leatherback sea turtles, Dermochelys coriacea, undertake broad oceanic movements. While
satellite telemetry has been used to investigate the post-nesting behaviour of female turtles …
satellite telemetry has been used to investigate the post-nesting behaviour of female turtles …
[HTML][HTML] High field metabolic rates of wild harbour porpoises
Reliable estimates of field metabolic rates (FMRs) in wild animals are essential for
quantifying their ecological roles, as well as for evaluating fitness consequences of …
quantifying their ecological roles, as well as for evaluating fitness consequences of …
Deep–diving behaviour of the northern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon ampullatus (Cetacea: Ziphiidae)
Using suction–cup attached time–depth recorder/VHF radio tags, we have obtained the first
diving data on northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus), the first such data on …
diving data on northern bottlenose whales (Hyperoodon ampullatus), the first such data on …