High‐altitude aeolian research on the Tibetan Plateau
Z Dong, G Hu, G Qian, J Lu, Z Zhang… - Reviews of …, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Aeolian processes and their role in desertification have been studied extensively at low
elevations but have been rarely studied at high elevations in areas such as the Tibetan …
elevations but have been rarely studied at high elevations in areas such as the Tibetan …
Geomorphological and palaeoclimate dynamics recorded by the formation of aeolian archives on the Tibetan Plateau
G Stauch - Earth-Science Reviews, 2015 - Elsevier
Aeolian sediments are an important archive for palaeoclimate reconstructions on the Tibetan
Plateau. The accumulation of aeolian sediments and the formation of palaeosols are used …
Plateau. The accumulation of aeolian sediments and the formation of palaeosols are used …
An end-member algorithm for deciphering modern detrital processes from lake sediments of Lake Donggi Cona, NE Tibetan Plateau, China
Deciphering significant sedimentological processes from a set of sediment samples is an
important step in reconstructing environmental changes. One approach going beyond …
important step in reconstructing environmental changes. One approach going beyond …
Sediment transport processes across the Tibetan Plateau inferred from robust grain-size end members in lake sediments
Grain-size distributions offer powerful proxies of past environmental conditions that are
related to sediment sorting processes. However, they are often of multimodal character …
related to sediment sorting processes. However, they are often of multimodal character …
δD values of n-alkanes in Tibetan lake sediments and aquatic macrophytes–A surface sediment study and application to a 16 ka record from Lake Koucha
A set of lake surface sediment samples and aquatic macrophytes from the eastern and
central Tibetan Plateau and a sediment core from Koucha Lake (northeastern Tibetan …
central Tibetan Plateau and a sediment core from Koucha Lake (northeastern Tibetan …
Influence of HCl pretreatment and organo-mineral complexes on laser diffraction measurement of loess–paleosol-sequences
The influence of different sample pretreatment methods on grain size distributions in particle
size analysis has been subject to controversial discussions. Standard sample preparation …
size analysis has been subject to controversial discussions. Standard sample preparation …
Quantitative reconstruction of precipitation changes on the NE Tibetan Plateau since the Last Glacial Maximum–extending the concept of pollen source area to pollen …
Pollen records from large lakes have been used for quantitative palaeoclimate
reconstruction, but the influences that lake size (as a result of species-specific variations in …
reconstruction, but the influences that lake size (as a result of species-specific variations in …
Spatial variability of 14C reservoir effects in Tibetan Plateau lakes
S Mischke, M Weynell, C Zhang, U Wiechert - Quaternary International, 2013 - Elsevier
Radiocarbon dating of lake sediments is often hampered by the presence of a lake reservoir
effect (LRE, also 'dead carbon'or 'old carbon'effect) especially in dry and cold regions with a …
effect (LRE, also 'dead carbon'or 'old carbon'effect) especially in dry and cold regions with a …
Quantitative precipitation estimates for the northeastern Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau over the last 18,000 years
Quantitative information regarding the long‐term variability of precipitation and vegetation
during the period covering both the Late Glacial and the Holocene on the Qinghai‐Tibetan …
during the period covering both the Late Glacial and the Holocene on the Qinghai‐Tibetan …
Aeolian sediments on the north-eastern Tibetan Plateau
Aeolian sediments on the Tibetan Plateau are an important archive of palaeoclimatic
information. This study presents a detailed analysis of sediments from the Donggi Cona …
information. This study presents a detailed analysis of sediments from the Donggi Cona …