When machine learning meets privacy: A survey and outlook
The newly emerged machine learning (eg, deep learning) methods have become a strong
driving force to revolutionize a wide range of industries, such as smart healthcare, financial …
driving force to revolutionize a wide range of industries, such as smart healthcare, financial …
Privacy-preserving data publishing: A survey of recent developments
The collection of digital information by governments, corporations, and individuals has
created tremendous opportunities for knowledge-and information-based decision making …
created tremendous opportunities for knowledge-and information-based decision making …
Mondrian multidimensional k-anonymity
K LeFevre, DJ DeWitt… - … conference on data …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
K-Anonymity has been proposed as a mechanism for protecting privacy in microdata
publishing, and numerous recoding" models" have been considered for achieving …
publishing, and numerous recoding" models" have been considered for achieving …
[LIBRO][B] A general survey of privacy-preserving data mining models and algorithms
CC Aggarwal, PS Yu - 2008 - Springer
In recent years, privacy-preserving data mining has been studied extensively, because of
the wide proliferation of sensitive information on the internet. A number of algorithmic …
the wide proliferation of sensitive information on the internet. A number of algorithmic …
Incognito: Efficient full-domain k-anonymity
A number of organizations publish microdata for purposes such as public health and
demographic research. Although attributes that clearly identify individuals, such as Name …
demographic research. Although attributes that clearly identify individuals, such as Name …
Protecting location privacy with personalized k-anonymity: Architecture and algorithms
B Gedik, L Liu - IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Continued advances in mobile networks and positioning technologies have created a strong
market push for location-based applications. Examples include location-aware emergency …
market push for location-based applications. Examples include location-aware emergency …
[LIBRO][B] Statistical disclosure control
A Hundepool, J Domingo-Ferrer, L Franconi… - 2012 - books.google.com
A reference to answer all your statistical confidentiality questions. This handbook provides
technical guidance on statistical disclosure control and on how to approach the problem of …
technical guidance on statistical disclosure control and on how to approach the problem of …
[PDF][PDF] Anatomy: Simple and effective privacy preservation
This paper presents a novel technique, anatomy, for publishing sensitive data. Anatomy
releases all the quasi-identifier and sensitive values directly in two separate tables …
releases all the quasi-identifier and sensitive values directly in two separate tables …
Never walk alone: Uncertainty for anonymity in moving objects databases
Preserving individual privacy when publishing data is a problem that is receiving increasing
attention. According to the fc-anonymity principle, each release of data must be such that …
attention. According to the fc-anonymity principle, each release of data must be such that …
Personalized privacy preservation
We study generalization for preserving privacy in publication of sensitive data. The existing
methods focus on a universal approach that exerts the same amount of preservation for all …
methods focus on a universal approach that exerts the same amount of preservation for all …