Body size-and temperature-related metabolic traits of juvenile chum salmon during northward migration

Y Iino, TK Abe, Y Shimizu, T Nagasaka… - Canadian Journal of …, 2024 -
Due to rapid ocean warming at higher latitudes, northward habitat shifts of the dominant
anadromous fish in the Northern Hemisphere, chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), have …

Indicators of thermal alteration in US waters reveal patterns of climate risk at the energy-water nexus

HI Jager, K Manning, JN Welch, F Corsi, A Miara… - Ecological …, 2024 - Elsevier
Anthropogenic changes in water temperature can pose significant risk to thermoelectric and
hydroelectric generation. In this study, we developed indicators of thermal risk (ITRs) to …

Declining Marine Survival of Steelhead Trout Linked to Climate and Ecosystem Change

J Ohlberger, ER Buhle, TW Buehrens… - Fish and …, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
Species with complex life cycles, such as anadromous fish that perform spawning migrations
between freshwater and the ocean, may be particularly sensitive to global change because …

Back from the brink: Estimating daily and annual abundance of natural-origin salmon smolts from 30-years of mixed-origin capture-recapture data

DJ Hance, JM Plumb, RW Perry, KF Tiffan - Fisheries Research, 2024 - Elsevier
Evaluating the status and trends of natural-origin anadromous fish populations over time
requires robust estimates of out-migrating juvenile abundance. Information on abundance is …

Complex temperature mosaics across space and time in estuaries: implications for current and future nursery function for Pacific salmon

PL Gross, JCL Gan, DJ Scurfield, C Frank… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2023 -
Water temperature is a key dimension of estuaries that can influence important biological
processes including organismal growth, survival, and habitat use. For example, juvenile …

Intraspecific variability across seasons and geographically distinct populations can modify species contributions to ecosystems

T Sanders, M Solan, JA Godbold - Functional Ecology, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Environmental change profoundly alters biodiversity and, by extension, species
contributions to ecosystem functioning. While it is well‐established that these impacts can be …

DNA metabarcoding captures temporal and vertical dynamics of mesozooplankton communities

A Novotny, C Rodrigues, L Jacquemot… - ICES Journal of …, 2025 -
In this study, we evaluated how well DNA metabarcoding of environmental samples
captures changes in marine mesozooplankton community composition to optimize the use of …

Freshwater life-cycle timing of Pacific salmon and steelhead (Oncorhynchus spp.) in Canada

SM Wilson, SJ Peacock - Canadian Journal of Fisheries and …, 2025 -
Information on species' phenology and distribution is essential for assessing and mitigating
exposure to pressures that vary over space and time, such as development projects or …

Marine biophysical conditions influence the vertical and horizontal distribution of sub-adult Chinook salmon in nearshore marine waters

JM Smith, BJ Burke, D Jackson, B Wells… - Marine Ecology …, 2024 -
The present study quantified the vertical and horizontal distribution of sub-adult Chinook
salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha in nearshore marine environments. Depth-specific hook …

Restricted inclusion of wild broodstock at a large hatchery does not result in detectable genetic differentiation in a supplemented coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) …

JK Bull, SM Rogers - … Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 2024 -
Hatchery production is common in salmonid management for harvest and conservation.
Many hatcheries employ integrated broodstock programs, where wild-origin fish are …