Body size-and temperature-related metabolic traits of juvenile chum salmon during northward migration
Y Iino, TK Abe, Y Shimizu, T Nagasaka… - Canadian Journal of …, 2024 - cdnsciencepub.com
Due to rapid ocean warming at higher latitudes, northward habitat shifts of the dominant
anadromous fish in the Northern Hemisphere, chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), have …
anadromous fish in the Northern Hemisphere, chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), have …
Indicators of thermal alteration in US waters reveal patterns of climate risk at the energy-water nexus
Anthropogenic changes in water temperature can pose significant risk to thermoelectric and
hydroelectric generation. In this study, we developed indicators of thermal risk (ITRs) to …
hydroelectric generation. In this study, we developed indicators of thermal risk (ITRs) to …
Declining Marine Survival of Steelhead Trout Linked to Climate and Ecosystem Change
Species with complex life cycles, such as anadromous fish that perform spawning migrations
between freshwater and the ocean, may be particularly sensitive to global change because …
between freshwater and the ocean, may be particularly sensitive to global change because …
Back from the brink: Estimating daily and annual abundance of natural-origin salmon smolts from 30-years of mixed-origin capture-recapture data
Evaluating the status and trends of natural-origin anadromous fish populations over time
requires robust estimates of out-migrating juvenile abundance. Information on abundance is …
requires robust estimates of out-migrating juvenile abundance. Information on abundance is …
Complex temperature mosaics across space and time in estuaries: implications for current and future nursery function for Pacific salmon
PL Gross, JCL Gan, DJ Scurfield, C Frank… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2023 - frontiersin.org
Water temperature is a key dimension of estuaries that can influence important biological
processes including organismal growth, survival, and habitat use. For example, juvenile …
processes including organismal growth, survival, and habitat use. For example, juvenile …
Intraspecific variability across seasons and geographically distinct populations can modify species contributions to ecosystems
Environmental change profoundly alters biodiversity and, by extension, species
contributions to ecosystem functioning. While it is well‐established that these impacts can be …
contributions to ecosystem functioning. While it is well‐established that these impacts can be …
DNA metabarcoding captures temporal and vertical dynamics of mesozooplankton communities
In this study, we evaluated how well DNA metabarcoding of environmental samples
captures changes in marine mesozooplankton community composition to optimize the use of …
captures changes in marine mesozooplankton community composition to optimize the use of …
Freshwater life-cycle timing of Pacific salmon and steelhead (Oncorhynchus spp.) in Canada
SM Wilson, SJ Peacock - Canadian Journal of Fisheries and …, 2025 - cdnsciencepub.com
Information on species' phenology and distribution is essential for assessing and mitigating
exposure to pressures that vary over space and time, such as development projects or …
exposure to pressures that vary over space and time, such as development projects or …
Marine biophysical conditions influence the vertical and horizontal distribution of sub-adult Chinook salmon in nearshore marine waters
The present study quantified the vertical and horizontal distribution of sub-adult Chinook
salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha in nearshore marine environments. Depth-specific hook …
salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha in nearshore marine environments. Depth-specific hook …
Restricted inclusion of wild broodstock at a large hatchery does not result in detectable genetic differentiation in a supplemented coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) …
Hatchery production is common in salmonid management for harvest and conservation.
Many hatcheries employ integrated broodstock programs, where wild-origin fish are …
Many hatcheries employ integrated broodstock programs, where wild-origin fish are …