Approaches on crowd counting and density estimation: a review
In recent years, urgent needs for counting crowds and vehicles have greatly promoted
research of crowd counting and density estimation. Benefiting from the rapid development of …
research of crowd counting and density estimation. Benefiting from the rapid development of …
Distribution matching for crowd counting
In crowd counting, each training image contains multiple people, where each person is
annotated by a dot. Existing crowd counting methods need to use a Gaussian to smooth …
annotated by a dot. Existing crowd counting methods need to use a Gaussian to smooth …
A generalized loss function for crowd counting and localization
Previous work shows that a better density map representation can improve the performance
of crowd counting. In this paper, we investigate learning the density map representation …
of crowd counting. In this paper, we investigate learning the density map representation …
NWPU-crowd: A large-scale benchmark for crowd counting and localization
In the last decade, crowd counting and localization attract much attention of researchers due
to its wide-spread applications, including crowd monitoring, public safety, space design, etc …
to its wide-spread applications, including crowd monitoring, public safety, space design, etc …
Transcrowd: weakly-supervised crowd counting with transformers
The mainstream crowd counting methods usually utilize the convolution neural network
(CNN) to regress a density map, requiring point-level annotations. However, annotating …
(CNN) to regress a density map, requiring point-level annotations. However, annotating …
An end-to-end transformer model for crowd localization
Crowd localization, predicting head positions, is a more practical and high-level task than
simply counting. Existing methods employ pseudo-bounding boxes or pre-designed …
simply counting. Existing methods employ pseudo-bounding boxes or pre-designed …
Attention scaling for crowd counting
Abstract Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based methods generally take crowd
counting as a regression task by outputting crowd densities. They learn the map** …
counting as a regression task by outputting crowd densities. They learn the map** …
Steerer: Resolving scale variations for counting and localization via selective inheritance learning
Scale variation is a deep-rooted problem in object counting, which has not been effectively
addressed by existing scale-aware algorithms. An important factor is that they typically …
addressed by existing scale-aware algorithms. An important factor is that they typically …
To choose or to fuse? scale selection for crowd counting
In this paper, we address the large scale variation problem in crowd counting by taking full
advantage of the multi-scale feature representations in a multi-level network. We implement …
advantage of the multi-scale feature representations in a multi-level network. We implement …
Jhu-crowd++: Large-scale crowd counting dataset and a benchmark method
We introduce a new large scale unconstrained crowd counting dataset (JHU-CROWD++)
that contains “4,372” images with “1.51 million” annotations. In comparison to existing …
that contains “4,372” images with “1.51 million” annotations. In comparison to existing …