The role of empathy in trolley problems and variants: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
The role of empathy in morality is a subject of ongoing scientific debate due to the lack of
systematic reviews and meta‐analyses on this topic. To address this gap, we conducted a …
systematic reviews and meta‐analyses on this topic. To address this gap, we conducted a …
Decision making and heart rate variability: A systematic review
Heart rate variability (HRV) reflects the balance of the autonomic nervous system and is
associated with cognitive functions. However, its relationship with the process related to …
associated with cognitive functions. However, its relationship with the process related to …
Sacrificial utilitarian judgments do reflect concern for the greater good: Clarification via process dissociation and the judgments of philosophers
Researchers have used “sacrificial” trolley-type dilemmas (where harmful actions promote
the greater good) to model competing influences on moral judgment: affective reactions to …
the greater good) to model competing influences on moral judgment: affective reactions to …
Reasoning supports utilitarian resolutions to moral dilemmas across diverse measures.
Sacrificial moral dilemmas elicit a strong conflict between the motive to not personally harm
someone and the competing motive to achieving the greater good, which is often described …
someone and the competing motive to achieving the greater good, which is often described …
Not all who ponder count costs: Arithmetic reflection predicts utilitarian tendencies, but logical reflection predicts both deontological and utilitarian tendencies
Conventional sacrificial moral dilemmas propose directly causing some harm to prevent
greater harm. Theory suggests that accepting such actions (consistent with utilitarian …
greater harm. Theory suggests that accepting such actions (consistent with utilitarian …
Reading dilemmas in a foreign language reduces both deontological and utilitarian response tendencies.
Moral dilemmas entail deciding whether to cause harm to maximize overall outcomes, such
as killing 1 person to save 5. Past work has demonstrated that people are more willing to …
as killing 1 person to save 5. Past work has demonstrated that people are more willing to …
Compassionate conservation clashes with conservation biology: Should empathy, compassion, and deontological moral principles drive conservation practice?
“Compassionate Conservation” is an emerging movement within conservation science that
is gaining attention through its promotion of “ethical” conservation practices that place …
is gaining attention through its promotion of “ethical” conservation practices that place …
[PDF][PDF] Мораль и субъективный опыт
КР Арутюнова, ЮИ Александров - 2019 -
Социальные нормы принято подразделять на моральные и конвенциональные
(Huebner, Lee, Hauser, 2010; Smetana, 2005; Turiel, 1983, 2005). Конвенциональные …
(Huebner, Lee, Hauser, 2010; Smetana, 2005; Turiel, 1983, 2005). Конвенциональные …
Resting high frequency heart rate variability selectively predicts cooperative behavior
This study explores whether the vagal connection between the heart and the brain is
involved in prosocial behaviors. The Polyvagal Theory postulates that vagal activity …
involved in prosocial behaviors. The Polyvagal Theory postulates that vagal activity …
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is deontological? Completing moral dilemmas in front of mirrors increases deontological but not utilitarian response tendencies
Recent evidence suggests moral dilemma responses reflect concerns about image and
identity. If so, enhancing self-awareness should impact dilemma responses—possibly …
identity. If so, enhancing self-awareness should impact dilemma responses—possibly …