Design and management of assembly systems 4.0: systematic literature review and research agenda
A Dolgui, F Sgarbossa, M Simonetto - International Journal of …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Assembly systems (ASs) have moved into the era of mass customisation and Industry 4.0 (I4.
0). Mass customisation involves a shift from the production of high quantities of the same …
0). Mass customisation involves a shift from the production of high quantities of the same …
Wireless communications for smart manufacturing and industrial IoT: Existing technologies, 5G and beyond
Smart manufacturing is a vision and major driver for change in today's industry. The goal of
smart manufacturing is to optimize manufacturing processes through constantly monitoring …
smart manufacturing is to optimize manufacturing processes through constantly monitoring …
A novel fully convolutional neural network approach for detection and classification of attacks on industrial IoT devices in smart manufacturing systems
Abstract Recently, Internet of things (IoT) devices have been widely implemented and
technologically advanced in manufacturing settings to monitor, collect, exchange, analyze …
technologically advanced in manufacturing settings to monitor, collect, exchange, analyze …
Dynamic RRT: fast feasible path planning in randomly distributed obstacle environments
P Zhao, Y Chang, W Wu, H Luo, Z Zhou, Y Qiao… - Journal of Intelligent & …, 2023 - Springer
For path planning problems based on Rapidly exploring Random Trees (RRT), most new
nodes merely explore the environment unless they are sampled directly from the subset that …
nodes merely explore the environment unless they are sampled directly from the subset that …
[HTML][HTML] A survey of 802.15. 4 TSCH schedulers for a standardized industrial internet of things
Concepts such as Industry 4.0 and Cyber-Physical Systems may bring forward a new
industrial revolution. These concepts require extensive connectivity far beyond what is …
industrial revolution. These concepts require extensive connectivity far beyond what is …
End-to-end transmission control for cross-regional industrial Internet of Things in Industry 5.0
Data transmission for the industrial Internet of Things (IoT) is crucial for industrial production,
especially in the Industry 5.0 era, where human–machine collaboration is increasingly …
especially in the Industry 5.0 era, where human–machine collaboration is increasingly …
Impacts of wireless on robot control: the network hardware-in-the-loop simulation framework and real-life comparisons
As many robot applications become more reliant on wireless communications, wireless
network latency and reliability have a growing impact on robot control. This article proposes …
network latency and reliability have a growing impact on robot control. This article proposes …
Adaptive fuzzy-genetic algorithm operators for solving mobile robot scheduling problem in job-shop FMS environment
Abstract Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS) is known as one of the recurring themes that
possess these promising characteristics with a synergistic combination of productivity …
possess these promising characteristics with a synergistic combination of productivity …
Graph attention-based MADRL for access control and resource allocation in wireless networked control systems
Wireless networked control systems (WNCS) offer great potential for revolutionizing the
industrial automation by enabling wireless coordination between sensors, decision centers …
industrial automation by enabling wireless coordination between sensors, decision centers …
Hypergraphical real-time multirobot task allocation in a smart factory
To facilitate Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing, smart factories shall flexibly achieve mass
manufacture of on-demand individualized products. Reconfigurable multirobot system …
manufacture of on-demand individualized products. Reconfigurable multirobot system …