The NAS parallel benchmarks for evaluating C++ parallel programming frameworks on shared-memory architectures
Abstract The NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB), originally implemented mostly in Fortran, is a
consolidated suite containing several benchmarks extracted from Computational Fluid …
consolidated suite containing several benchmarks extracted from Computational Fluid …
PGAS access overhead characterization in Chapel
The Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) model, increases programmer productivity by
presenting a flat memory space with locality awareness. However, the abstract …
presenting a flat memory space with locality awareness. However, the abstract …
HPC-Oriented Toolchain for Hardware Simulators
Hardware design is an essential part of research in high performance computing. Initial
efforts in hardware research consist of analyzing the design ideas in a software simulator …
efforts in hardware research consist of analyzing the design ideas in a software simulator …
[ספר][B] Hardware Support for Productive Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) Programming
O Serres - 2016 -
In order to exploit the increasing number of transistors, and due to the limitations of
frequency scaling, the number of cores inside a chip keeps growing. As many-core chips …
frequency scaling, the number of cores inside a chip keeps growing. As many-core chips …