Neurips 2020 efficientqa competition: Systems, analyses and lessons learned
We review the EfficientQA competition from NeurIPS 2020. The competition focused on open-
domain question answering (QA), where systems take natural language questions as input …
domain question answering (QA), where systems take natural language questions as input …
A survey for efficient open domain question answering
Open domain question answering (ODQA) is a longstanding task aimed at answering factual
questions from a large knowledge corpus without any explicit evidence in natural language …
questions from a large knowledge corpus without any explicit evidence in natural language …
Boosted dense retriever
We propose DrBoost, a dense retrieval ensemble inspired by boosting. DrBoost is trained in
stages: each component model is learned sequentially and specialized by focusing only on …
stages: each component model is learned sequentially and specialized by focusing only on …
Chain-of-Rewrite: Aligning Question and Documents for Open-Domain Question Answering
Despite the advancements made with the retrieve-then-read pipeline on open-domain
question answering task, current methods still face challenges stemming from term …
question answering task, current methods still face challenges stemming from term …
Bridging the training-inference gap for dense phrase retrieval
Building dense retrievers requires a series of standard procedures, including training and
validating neural models and creating indexes for efficient search. However, these …
validating neural models and creating indexes for efficient search. However, these …
Dimension Reduction for Efficient Dense Retrieval via Conditional Autoencoder
Dense retrievers encode queries and documents and map them in an embedding space
using pre-trained language models. These embeddings need to be high-dimensional to fit …
using pre-trained language models. These embeddings need to be high-dimensional to fit …
Exploring the Potential of Dimension Reduction in Building Efficient Dense Retrieval Systems
Dense retrievers utilize pretrained language models to encode queries and documents as
high-dimensional embeddings for retrieval. Nevertheless, these high-dimensional …
high-dimensional embeddings for retrieval. Nevertheless, these high-dimensional …
[PDF][PDF] SmallBPR: Parameters Sharing for Binary Passage Retriever
Z Li -
In open domain question answering systems, Dense Passage Retriever (DPR) has become
a popular approach to retrieving relevant passages for finding answers. However, the …
a popular approach to retrieving relevant passages for finding answers. However, the …