A survey of DNA motif finding algorithms
MK Das, HK Dai - BMC bioinformatics, 2007 - Springer
Background Unraveling the mechanisms that regulate gene expression is a major challenge
in biology. An important task in this challenge is to identify regulatory elements, especially …
in biology. An important task in this challenge is to identify regulatory elements, especially …
Comparative analysis of gene regulatory networks: from network reconstruction to evolution
D Thompson, A Regev, S Roy - Annual review of cell and …, 2015 - annualreviews.org
Regulation of gene expression is central to many biological processes. Although
reconstruction of regulatory circuits from genomic data alone is therefore desirable, this …
reconstruction of regulatory circuits from genomic data alone is therefore desirable, this …
iRegulon: from a gene list to a gene regulatory network using large motif and track collections
Identifying master regulators of biological processes and map** their downstream gene
networks are key challenges in systems biology. We developed a computational method …
networks are key challenges in systems biology. We developed a computational method …
Redundant ERF-VII Transcription Factors Bind to an Evolutionarily Conserved cis-Motif to Regulate Hypoxia-Responsive Gene Expression in Arabidopsis
P Gasch, M Fundinger, JT Müller, T Lee… - The Plant …, 2016 - academic.oup.com
The response of Arabidopsis thaliana to low-oxygen stress (hypoxia), such as during shoot
submergence or root waterlogging, includes increasing the levels of∼ 50 hypoxia …
submergence or root waterlogging, includes increasing the levels of∼ 50 hypoxia …
Systematic discovery of regulatory motifs in human promoters and 3′ UTRs by comparison of several mammals
Comprehensive identification of all functional elements encoded in the human genome is a
fundamental need in biomedical research. Here, we present a comparative analysis of the …
fundamental need in biomedical research. Here, we present a comparative analysis of the …
Assessing computational tools for the discovery of transcription factor binding sites
The prediction of regulatory elements is a problem where computational methods offer great
hope. Over the past few years, numerous tools have become available for this task. The …
hope. Over the past few years, numerous tools have become available for this task. The …
An improved map of conserved regulatory sites for Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Background The regulatory map of a genome consists of the binding sites for proteins that
determine the transcription of nearby genes. An initial regulatory map for S. cerevisiae was …
determine the transcription of nearby genes. An initial regulatory map for S. cerevisiae was …
The Forkhead transcription factor Hcm1 regulates chromosome segregation genes and fills the S-phase gap in the transcriptional circuitry of the cell cycle
T Pramila, W Wu, S Miles, WS Noble… - Genes & …, 2006 - genesdev.cshlp.org
Transcription patterns shift dramatically as cells transit from one phase of the cell cycle to
another. To better define this transcriptional circuitry, we collected new microarray data …
another. To better define this transcriptional circuitry, we collected new microarray data …
Constructing transcriptional regulatory networks
Biological networks are the representation of multiple interactions within a cell, a global view
intended to help understand how relationships between molecules dictate cellular behavior …
intended to help understand how relationships between molecules dictate cellular behavior …
PhyloGibbs: a Gibbs sampling motif finder that incorporates phylogeny
A central problem in the bioinformatics of gene regulation is to find the binding sites for
regulatory proteins. One of the most promising approaches toward identifying these short …
regulatory proteins. One of the most promising approaches toward identifying these short …