Methods of using ionic liquids as paraffin inhibitors, pour point depressants and cold flow improvers

J Weers - US Patent 12,180,428, 2024 - Google Patents
US12180428B2 - Methods of using ionic liquids as paraffin inhibitors, pour point depressants
and cold flow improvers - Google Patents US12180428B2 - Methods of using ionic liquids as …

Methods of using ionic liquids as demulsifiers

J Weers - US Patent 11,254,881, 2022 - Google Patents
6,852,229 B2 7,001,504 B2 7,432,409 B2 7,459,011 B2 7,470,829 B2 7,605,297 B2
7,786,065 B2 7,880,024 B2 7,918,905 B2 8,075,763 B2 8,084,402 B2 8,115,040 B2 …

Methods of using ionic liquid based asphaltene inhibitors

J Weers, H Nguyen, D Jennings, KP Chao - US Patent 11,124,692, 2021 - Google Patents
Methods of treating a petroleum hydrocarbon fluid are described wherein the petroleum
hydrocarbon fluid is con tacted with an asphaltene inhibitor composition having an ionic …