Non-Hermitian and topological photonics: optics at an exceptional point
In the past few years, concepts from non-Hermitian (NH) physics, originally developed within
the context of quantum field theories, have been successfully deployed over a wide range of …
the context of quantum field theories, have been successfully deployed over a wide range of …
Sensing with exceptional surfaces in order to combine sensitivity with robustness
Exceptional points (EPs) are singularities that arise in non-Hermitian physics. Current
research efforts focus only on systems supporting isolated EPs characterized by increased …
research efforts focus only on systems supporting isolated EPs characterized by increased …
The dawn of non-Hermitian optics
Recent years have seen a tremendous progress in the theory and experimental
implementations of non-Hermitian photonics, including all-lossy optical systems as well as …
implementations of non-Hermitian photonics, including all-lossy optical systems as well as …
Hierarchical construction of higher-order exceptional points
The realization of higher-order exceptional points (HOEPs) can lead to orders of magnitude
enhancement in light-matter interactions beyond the current fundamental limits …
enhancement in light-matter interactions beyond the current fundamental limits …
High-order exceptional points in supersymmetric arrays
We employ the intertwining operator technique to synthesize a supersymmetric (SUSY)
array of arbitrary size N. The synthesized SUSY system is equivalent to a spin (N− 1)/2 …
array of arbitrary size N. The synthesized SUSY system is equivalent to a spin (N− 1)/2 …
Petermann factors and phase rigidities near exceptional points
J Wiersig - Physical Review Research, 2023 - APS
The Petermann factor and the phase rigidity are convenient measures for various aspects of
open quantum and wave systems, such as the sensitivity of energy eigenvalues to …
open quantum and wave systems, such as the sensitivity of energy eigenvalues to …
Hybrid exceptional point created from type-III Dirac point
Degeneracy points and exceptional points embedded in the energy band are distinct
because of their topological features. We report a hybrid exceptional point formed through …
because of their topological features. We report a hybrid exceptional point formed through …
Exceptional points of any order in a single, lossy waveguide beam splitter by photon-number-resolved detection
Exceptional points (EPs) are degeneracies of non-Hermitian operators where, in addition to
the eigenvalues, the corresponding eigenmodes become degenerate. Classical and …
the eigenvalues, the corresponding eigenmodes become degenerate. Classical and …
High-order exceptional points in ultracold Bose gases
L Pan, S Chen, X Cui - Physical Review A, 2019 - APS
We show that arbitrarily-high-order exceptional points (EPs) can be achieved in a
repulsively interacting two-species Bose gas in one dimension. By exactly solving the non …
repulsively interacting two-species Bose gas in one dimension. By exactly solving the non …
High-order spectral singularity
Exceptional point and spectral singularity are two types of singularity that are unique to non-
Hermitian systems. Here, we report the high-order spectral singularity as a high-order pole …
Hermitian systems. Here, we report the high-order spectral singularity as a high-order pole …