Long-lived particles at the energy frontier: the MATHUSLA physics case

D Curtin, M Drewes, M McCullough… - Reports on progress …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
We examine the theoretical motivations for long-lived particle (LLP) signals at the LHC in a
comprehensive survey of standard model (SM) extensions. LLPs are a common prediction of …

Lepton number violation: seesaw models and their collider tests

Y Cai, T Han, T Li, R Ruiz - Frontiers in Physics, 2018 - frontiersin.org
The Majorana nature of neutrinos is strongly motivated from the theoretical and
phenomenological point of view. A plethora of neutrino mass models, known collectively as …

The present and future status of heavy neutral leptons

AM Abdullahi, PB Alzás, B Batell… - Journal of Physics G …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
The existence of nonzero neutrino masses points to the likely existence of multiple Standard
Model neutral fermions. When such states are heavy enough that they cannot be produced …

A facility to Search for Hidden Particles at the CERN SPS: the SHiP physics case

S Alekhin, W Altmannshofer, T Asaka… - Reports on Progress …, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
This paper describes the physics case for a new fixed target facility at CERN SPS. The SHiP
(search for hidden particles) experiment is intended to hunt for new physics in the largely …

Neutrinos and collider physics

FF Deppisch, PSB Dev, A Pilaftsis - New Journal of Physics, 2015 - iopscience.iop.org
We review the collider phenomenology of neutrino physics and the synergetic aspects at
energy, intensity and cosmic frontiers to test the new physics behind the neutrino mass …

Electric dipole moments of nucleons, nuclei, and atoms: The standard model and beyond

J Engel, MJ Ramsey-Musolf, U Van Kolck - Progress in Particle and …, 2013 - Elsevier
Searches for the permanent electric dipole moments (EDMs) of molecules, atoms, nucleons
and nuclei provide powerful probes of CP violation both within the Standard Model and …

A neutrinoless double beta decay master formula from effective field theory

V Cirigliano, W Dekens, J de Vries… - Journal of High Energy …, 2018 - Springer
A bstract We present a master formula describing the neutrinoless-double-beta decay (0νββ)
rate induced by lepton-number-violating (LNV) operators up to dimension nine in the …

Probing exotic phenomena at the interface of nuclear and particle physics with the electric dipole moments of diamagnetic atoms: A unique window to hadronic and …

N Yamanaka, BK Sahoo, N Yoshinaga, T Sato… - The European Physical …, 2017 - Springer
The current status of electric dipole moments of diamagnetic atoms which involves the
synergy between atomic experiments and three different theoretical areas, ie particle …

Left-right symmetry: from the LHC to neutrinoless double beta decay

V Tello, M Nemevšek, F Nesti, G Senjanović… - Physical Review Letters, 2011 - APS
The Large Hadron Collider has the potential to probe the scale of left-right symmetry
restoration and the associated lepton number violation. Moreover, it offers the hope of …

Physics at a 100 TeV pp collider: Higgs and EW symmetry breaking studies

R Contino, D Curtin, A Katz, ML Mangano… - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2016 - arxiv.org
arxiv:1606.09408v1 [hep-ph] 30 Jun 2016 Page 1 CERN-TH-2016-113 Physics at a 100 TeV pp
collider: Higgs and EW symmetry breaking studies Editors: R. Contino1,2, D. Curtin3, A. Katz1,4 …