Long-lived particles at the energy frontier: the MATHUSLA physics case
We examine the theoretical motivations for long-lived particle (LLP) signals at the LHC in a
comprehensive survey of standard model (SM) extensions. LLPs are a common prediction of …
comprehensive survey of standard model (SM) extensions. LLPs are a common prediction of …
Lepton number violation: seesaw models and their collider tests
The Majorana nature of neutrinos is strongly motivated from the theoretical and
phenomenological point of view. A plethora of neutrino mass models, known collectively as …
phenomenological point of view. A plethora of neutrino mass models, known collectively as …
The present and future status of heavy neutral leptons
AM Abdullahi, PB Alzás, B Batell… - Journal of Physics G …, 2023 - iopscience.iop.org
The existence of nonzero neutrino masses points to the likely existence of multiple Standard
Model neutral fermions. When such states are heavy enough that they cannot be produced …
Model neutral fermions. When such states are heavy enough that they cannot be produced …
A facility to Search for Hidden Particles at the CERN SPS: the SHiP physics case
S Alekhin, W Altmannshofer, T Asaka… - Reports on Progress …, 2016 - iopscience.iop.org
This paper describes the physics case for a new fixed target facility at CERN SPS. The SHiP
(search for hidden particles) experiment is intended to hunt for new physics in the largely …
(search for hidden particles) experiment is intended to hunt for new physics in the largely …
Neutrinos and collider physics
We review the collider phenomenology of neutrino physics and the synergetic aspects at
energy, intensity and cosmic frontiers to test the new physics behind the neutrino mass …
energy, intensity and cosmic frontiers to test the new physics behind the neutrino mass …
Electric dipole moments of nucleons, nuclei, and atoms: The standard model and beyond
Searches for the permanent electric dipole moments (EDMs) of molecules, atoms, nucleons
and nuclei provide powerful probes of CP violation both within the Standard Model and …
and nuclei provide powerful probes of CP violation both within the Standard Model and …
A neutrinoless double beta decay master formula from effective field theory
A bstract We present a master formula describing the neutrinoless-double-beta decay (0νββ)
rate induced by lepton-number-violating (LNV) operators up to dimension nine in the …
rate induced by lepton-number-violating (LNV) operators up to dimension nine in the …
Probing exotic phenomena at the interface of nuclear and particle physics with the electric dipole moments of diamagnetic atoms: A unique window to hadronic and …
The current status of electric dipole moments of diamagnetic atoms which involves the
synergy between atomic experiments and three different theoretical areas, ie particle …
synergy between atomic experiments and three different theoretical areas, ie particle …
Left-right symmetry: from the LHC to neutrinoless double beta decay
The Large Hadron Collider has the potential to probe the scale of left-right symmetry
restoration and the associated lepton number violation. Moreover, it offers the hope of …
restoration and the associated lepton number violation. Moreover, it offers the hope of …
Physics at a 100 TeV pp collider: Higgs and EW symmetry breaking studies
arxiv:1606.09408v1 [hep-ph] 30 Jun 2016 Page 1 CERN-TH-2016-113 Physics at a 100 TeV pp
collider: Higgs and EW symmetry breaking studies Editors: R. Contino1,2, D. Curtin3, A. Katz1,4 …
collider: Higgs and EW symmetry breaking studies Editors: R. Contino1,2, D. Curtin3, A. Katz1,4 …