Representation and computation in visual working memory
The ability to sustain internal representations of the sensory environment beyond immediate
perception is a fundamental requirement of cognitive processing. In recent years, debates …
perception is a fundamental requirement of cognitive processing. In recent years, debates …
Noisy and hierarchical visual memory across timescales
Both in everyday life and in memory research, people tend to think that items are 'held'in
mind, in the same way that a real-world object can be held in one's hand. Inspired by this …
mind, in the same way that a real-world object can be held in one's hand. Inspired by this …
[HTML][HTML] Shifting attention between perception and working memory
Most everyday tasks require shifting the focus of attention between sensory signals in the
external environment and internal contents in working memory. To date, shifts of attention …
external environment and internal contents in working memory. To date, shifts of attention …
Serial dependence: A matter of memory load
In serial dependence, perceptual decisions are biased towards stimuli encountered in the
recent past. Here, we investigate whether and how serial dependence is affected by the …
recent past. Here, we investigate whether and how serial dependence is affected by the …
Bend but don't break: Prioritization protects working memory from displacement but leaves it vulnerable to distortion from distraction
Perceptual distraction distorts visual working memory representations. Previous research
has shown that memory responses are systematically biased towards passively viewed …
has shown that memory responses are systematically biased towards passively viewed …
Prioritization sharpens working memories but does not protect them from distraction.
Perceptual distraction distorts visual working memory representations. Previous research
has shown that memory responses are systematically biased toward visual distractors that …
has shown that memory responses are systematically biased toward visual distractors that …
Feature-based attention warps the perception of visual features
Selective attention improves sensory processing of relevant information but can also impact
the quality of perception. For example, attention increases visual discrimination performance …
the quality of perception. For example, attention increases visual discrimination performance …
Multiple and dissociable effects of sensory history on working-memory performance
Behavioral reports of sensory information are biased by stimulus history. The nature and
direction of such serial-dependence biases can differ between experimental settings; both …
direction of such serial-dependence biases can differ between experimental settings; both …
Object feature memory is distorted by category structure
Memory systems constantly confront the challenge of capturing both the shared features that
connect experiences together and the unique features that distinguish them. Across two …
connect experiences together and the unique features that distinguish them. Across two …
Event segmentation structures temporal experience: Simultaneous dilation and contraction in rhythmic reproductions.
We experience the world in terms of both (continuous) time and (discrete) events, but time
seems especially primitive—since we cannot perceive events without an underlying …
seems especially primitive—since we cannot perceive events without an underlying …