Computational aerodynamics with isogeometric analysis
The superior accuracy isogeometric analysis (IGA) brought to computations in fluid and solid
mechanics has been yielding higher fidelity in computational aerodynamics. The increased …
mechanics has been yielding higher fidelity in computational aerodynamics. The increased …
A framework for designing patient‐specific bioprosthetic heart valves using immersogeometric fluid–structure interaction analysis
Numerous studies have suggested that medical image derived computational mechanics
models could be developed to reduce mortality and morbidity due to cardiovascular …
models could be developed to reduce mortality and morbidity due to cardiovascular …
Thinner biological tissues induce leaflet flutter in aortic heart valve replacements
Valvular heart disease has recently become an increasing public health concern due to the
high prevalence of valve degeneration in aging populations. For patients with severely …
high prevalence of valve degeneration in aging populations. For patients with severely …
Computational investigation of left ventricular hemodynamics following bioprosthetic aortic and mitral valve replacement
The left ventricle of the heart is a fundamental structure in the human cardiac system that
pumps oxygenated blood into the systemic circulation. Several valvular conditions can …
pumps oxygenated blood into the systemic circulation. Several valvular conditions can …
Boundary layer mesh resolution in flow computation with the space–time variational multiscale method and isogeometric discretization
We present an extensive study on boundary layer mesh resolution in flow computation with
the Space–Time Variational Multiscale (ST-VMS) method and isogeometric discretization …
the Space–Time Variational Multiscale (ST-VMS) method and isogeometric discretization …
High-resolution multi-domain space–time isogeometric analysis of car and tire aerodynamics with road contact and tire deformation and rotation
We are presenting high-resolution space–time (ST) isogeometric analysis of car and tire
aerodynamics with near-actual tire geometry, road contact, and tire deformation and rotation …
aerodynamics with near-actual tire geometry, road contact, and tire deformation and rotation …
Flow computation with the space–time isogeometric analysis and higher-order basis functions in time
We present method-evaluation incompressible-flow computations with Space–Time
Isogeometric Analysis (ST-IGA) and higher-order basis functions in time. The computational …
Isogeometric Analysis (ST-IGA) and higher-order basis functions in time. The computational …
An octree-based immersogeometric approach for modeling inertial migration of particles in channels
In this paper, we develop a scalable, adaptively refined, octree-based finite element
approach with immersogeometric analysis to track inertial migration of particles in …
approach with immersogeometric analysis to track inertial migration of particles in …
Carrier-domain method for high-resolution computation of time-periodic long-wake flows
We are introducing the Carrier-Domain Method (CDM) for high-resolution computation of
time-periodic long-wake flows, with cost-effectives that makes the computations practical …
time-periodic long-wake flows, with cost-effectives that makes the computations practical …
Multiscale space–time isogeometric analysis of car and tire aerodynamics with road contact and tire deformation: full-domain computation to high-resolution tire …
We are presenting a multiscale space–time (ST) isogeometric analysis framework for car
and tire aerodynamics with road contact and tire deformation. It is a framework of full-domain …
and tire aerodynamics with road contact and tire deformation. It is a framework of full-domain …