The evolution of gene expression in cis and trans

SA Signor, SV Nuzhdin - Trends in Genetics, 2018 -
There is abundant variation in gene expression between individuals, populations, and
species. The evolution of gene regulation and expression within and between species is …

Transposable elements in Drosophila

V Mérel, M Boulesteix, M Fablet, C Vieira - Mobile DNA, 2020 - Springer
Drosophila has been studied as a biological model for many years and many discoveries in
biology rely on this species. Research on transposable elements (TEs) is not an exception …

Selection against admixture and gene regulatory divergence in a long-term primate field study

TP Vilgalys, AS Fogel, JA Anderson, RS Mututua… - Science, 2022 -
Genetic admixture is central to primate evolution. We combined 50 years of field
observations of immigration and group demography with genomic data from~ 9 generations …

The evolution of venom by co-option of single-copy genes

EO Martinson, YD Kelkar, CH Chang, JH Werren - Current Biology, 2017 -
The classic model for the evolution of novel gene function is through gene duplication
followed by evolution of a new function by one of the copies (neofunctionalization)[1, 2] …

The legacy of diploid progenitors in allopolyploid gene expression patterns

RJA Buggs, JF Wendel, JJ Doyle… - … of the Royal …, 2014 -
Allopolyploidization (hybridization and whole-genome duplication) is a common
phenomenon in plant evolution with immediate saltational effects on genome structure and …

[PDF][PDF] Evolutionary dynamics of regulatory changes underlying gene expression divergence among Saccharomyces species

BPH Metzger, PJ Wittkopp… - Genome biology and …, 2017 -
Heritable changes in gene expression are important contributors to phenotypic differences
within and between species and are caused by mutations in cis-regulatory elements and …

[PDF][PDF] Sex-specific dominance of gene expression in seed beetles

P Kaufmann, JL Rönn, E Immonen… - Molecular biology and …, 2024 -
When different alleles are favored in different environments, dominance reversal where
alternate alleles are dominant in the environment in which they are favored can generate net …

Speciation and development

AD Cutter - Evolution & Development, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Understanding general principles about the origin of species remains one of the
foundational challenges in evolutionary biology. The genomic divergence between groups …

Dominance is common in mammals and is associated with trans-acting gene expression and alternative splicing

L Cui, B Yang, S **ao, J Gao, A Baud, D Graham… - Genome Biology, 2023 - Springer
Background Dominance and other non-additive genetic effects arise from the interaction
between alleles, and historically these phenomena play a major role in quantitative …

Widespread misregulation of inter-species hybrid transcriptomes due to sex-specific and sex-chromosome regulatory evolution

S Sánchez-Ramírez, JG Weiss, CG Thomas… - PLoS …, 2021 -
When gene regulatory networks diverge between species, their dysfunctional expression in
inter-species hybrid individuals can create genetic incompatibilities that generate the …