On greedy randomized Kaczmarz method for solving large sparse linear systems
ZZ Bai, WT Wu - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2018 - SIAM
For solving large-scale systems of linear equations by iteration methods, we introduce an
effective probability criterion for selecting the working rows from the coefficient matrix and …
effective probability criterion for selecting the working rows from the coefficient matrix and …
Randomized extended average block Kaczmarz for solving least squares
K Du, WT Si, XH Sun - SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 2020 - SIAM
Randomized iterative algorithms have recently been proposed to solve large-scale linear
systems. In this paper, we present a simple randomized extended average block Kaczmarz …
systems. In this paper, we present a simple randomized extended average block Kaczmarz …
Linear convergence of the randomized sparse Kaczmarz method
F Schöpfer, DA Lorenz - Mathematical Programming, 2019 - Springer
The randomized version of the Kaczmarz method for the solution of consistent linear
systems is known to converge linearly in expectation. And even in the possibly inconsistent …
systems is known to converge linearly in expectation. And even in the possibly inconsistent …
Feasibility-based fixed point networks
Inverse problems consist of recovering a signal from a collection of noisy measurements.
These problems can often be cast as feasibility problems; however, additional regularization …
These problems can often be cast as feasibility problems; however, additional regularization …
Randomized block Kaczmarz methods with k-means clustering for solving large linear systems
XL Jiang, K Zhang, JF Yin - Journal of Computational and Applied …, 2022 - Elsevier
Following the philosophy of the block Kaczmarz methods, we propose a randomized block
Kaczmarz method with the blocks determined by the k-means clustering (RBK (k)). It can be …
Kaczmarz method with the blocks determined by the k-means clustering (RBK (k)). It can be …
Faster randomized block sparse Kaczmarz by averaging
The standard randomized sparse Kaczmarz (RSK) method is an algorithm to compute
sparse solutions of linear systems of equations and uses sequential updates, and thus, does …
sparse solutions of linear systems of equations and uses sequential updates, and thus, does …
Extended randomized Kaczmarz method for sparse least squares and impulsive noise problems
Abstract The Extended Randomized Kaczmarz method is a well known iterative scheme
which can find the Moore-Penrose inverse solution of a possibly inconsistent linear system …
which can find the Moore-Penrose inverse solution of a possibly inconsistent linear system …
Deep image prior for 3D magnetic particle imaging: A quantitative comparison of regularization techniques on Open MPI dataset
Magnetic particle imaging (MPI) is an imaging modality exploiting the nonlinear
magnetization behavior of (super-) paramagnetic nanoparticles to obtain a space-and often …
magnetization behavior of (super-) paramagnetic nanoparticles to obtain a space-and often …
Adaptive Bregman–Kaczmarz: an approach to solve linear inverse problems with independent noise exactly
We consider the block Bregman–Kaczmarz method for finite dimensional linear inverse
problems. The block Bregman–Kaczmarz method uses blocks of the linear system and …
problems. The block Bregman–Kaczmarz method uses blocks of the linear system and …
Sampling Kaczmarz-Motzkin method for linear feasibility problems: generalization and acceleration
Abstract Randomized Kaczmarz, Motzkin Method and Sampling Kaczmarz Motzkin (SKM)
algorithms are commonly used iterative techniques for solving a system of linear inequalities …
algorithms are commonly used iterative techniques for solving a system of linear inequalities …