Athlete burnout: An integrated model and future research directions
Athlete burnout is a multifaceted phenomenon. As a consequence, several attempts have
been made to describe it from both a process and a state perspective. A number of theories …
been made to describe it from both a process and a state perspective. A number of theories …
[PDF][PDF] Sources and consequences of athletic burnout among college athletes.
D Gould, MA Whitley - Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, 2009 -
It has been shown that it takes 10 years or 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to develop
one's talent in any field, including athletics (Ericsson, 1996). Given the amount of time …
one's talent in any field, including athletics (Ericsson, 1996). Given the amount of time …
Overuse injuries, overtraining, and burnout in young athletes
JS Brenner, A Watson, MA Brooks, RL Carl… - …, 2024 -
Sports participation can have tremendous physical and mental health benefits for children.
Properly implemented progressive training programs can yield a broad range of beneficial …
Properly implemented progressive training programs can yield a broad range of beneficial …
Athlete social support, negative social interactions, and psychological health across a competitive sport season
Social support and negative social interactions have implications for athlete psychological
health, with potential to influence the links of stress-related experiences with burnout and …
health, with potential to influence the links of stress-related experiences with burnout and …
The mediational role of perceived stress in the relation between optimism and burnout in competitive athletes
H Gustafsson, T Skoog - Anxiety, Stress & Co**, 2012 - Taylor & Francis
Burnout has been highlighted as an important issue, not only in occupational settings but
also among athletes. Optimists appear to be more resistant to burnout, which might be partly …
also among athletes. Optimists appear to be more resistant to burnout, which might be partly …
Athlete burnout
This chapter lays conceptual groundwork on athlete burnout as a psychosocial construct
from a historical perspective, focusing on the seminal theory and research on the syndrome …
from a historical perspective, focusing on the seminal theory and research on the syndrome …
Resilience and extrinsic motivation as mediators in the relationship between fear of failure and burnout
Athletes with fear of failure are at risk of develo** the symptoms of a wide range of
psychological problems, including burnout. Understanding the risks and protective factors of …
psychological problems, including burnout. Understanding the risks and protective factors of …
[PDF][PDF] Dispositional optimistic and pessimistic mental states of young athletes: gender differentiation
The purpose was to compare the researched parameters based on gender differentiation
and to determine young athletes' dispositional optimistic and pessimistic mental states. The …
and to determine young athletes' dispositional optimistic and pessimistic mental states. The …
Anxiety and burnout in young athletes: The mediating role of cognitive appraisal
This study tested the relationship between trait anxiety, cognitive appraisal, and athletes'
burnout proposing two hypotheses:(a) there is a direct relationship between athletes' trait …
burnout proposing two hypotheses:(a) there is a direct relationship between athletes' trait …
Areas of worklife and the athlete burnout-engagement relationship
The global athlete burnout–engagement relationship was investigated using the areas of
worklife and relevant conceptual antecedents. Participants were 227 collegiate football …
worklife and relevant conceptual antecedents. Participants were 227 collegiate football …