Rydberg aggregates

S Wüster, JM Rost - Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and …, 2018 - iopscience.iop.org
We review Rydberg aggregates, assemblies of a few Rydberg atoms exhibiting energy
transport through collective eigenstates, considering isolated atoms or assemblies …

Quantum simulation of energy transport with embedded Rydberg aggregates

DW Schönleber, A Eisfeld, M Genkin, S Whitlock… - Physical review …, 2015 - APS
We show that an array of ultracold Rydberg atoms embedded in a laser driven background
gas can serve as an aggregate for simulating exciton dynamics and energy transport with a …

Delocalized excitons and interaction effects in extremely dilute thermal ensembles

L Bruder, A Eisfeld, U Bangert, M Binz… - Physical Chemistry …, 2019 - pubs.rsc.org
Long-range interparticle interactions are revealed in extremely dilute thermal atomic
ensembles using highly sensitive nonlinear femtosecond spectroscopy. Delocalized …

Excitation transport through Rydberg dressing

S Wüster, C Ates, A Eisfeld, JM Rost - New Journal of Physics, 2011 - iopscience.iop.org
We show how to create long-range interactions between alkali atoms in different hyperfine
ground states, with the goal of coherent quantum transport. The scheme uses off-resonant …

Phase-imprinting of Bose-Einstein condensates with Rydberg impurities

R Mukherjee, C Ates, W Li, S Wüster - Physical Review Letters, 2015 - APS
We show how the phase profile of Bose-Einstein condensates can be engineered through
its interaction with localized Rydberg excitations. The interaction is made controllable and …

Universal Measure for the Impact of Adiabaticity on Quantum Transitions

R Pant, PK Verma, C Rangi, E Mondal, M Bhati… - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
Adiabaticity is crucial for our understanding of complex quantum dynamics and thus for
advancing fundamental physics and technology, but its impact cannot yet be quantified in …

Probing weak dipole-dipole interaction using phase-modulated nonlinear spectroscopy

ZZ Li, L Bruder, F Stienkemeier, A Eisfeld - Physical Review A, 2017 - APS
Phase-modulated nonlinear spectroscopy with higher harmonic demodulation has recently
been suggested to provide information on many-body excitations. In the present work we …

Entangling distant atom clouds through Rydberg dressing

S Möbius, M Genkin, A Eisfeld, S Wüster… - Physical Review A—Atomic …, 2013 - APS
In Rydberg dressed ultracold gases, ground-state atoms inherit properties of a weakly
admixed Rydberg state, such as sensitivity to long-range interactions. We show that through …

Cold Rydberg gases and ultra-cold plasmas

T Pohl, CS Adams… - Journal of Physics B …, 2011 - iopscience.iop.org
Cold Rydberg gases and ultra-cold plasmas Page 1 Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular
and Optical Physics EDITORIAL Cold Rydberg gases and ultra-cold plasmas To cite this article …

Extended coherently delocalized states in a frozen Rydberg gas

G Abumwis, MT Eiles, A Eisfeld - Physical Review Letters, 2020 - APS
The long-range dipole-dipole interaction can create delocalized states due to the exchange
of excitation between Rydberg atoms. We show that even in a random gas many of the …