Rydberg aggregates
We review Rydberg aggregates, assemblies of a few Rydberg atoms exhibiting energy
transport through collective eigenstates, considering isolated atoms or assemblies …
transport through collective eigenstates, considering isolated atoms or assemblies …
Quantum simulation of energy transport with embedded Rydberg aggregates
We show that an array of ultracold Rydberg atoms embedded in a laser driven background
gas can serve as an aggregate for simulating exciton dynamics and energy transport with a …
gas can serve as an aggregate for simulating exciton dynamics and energy transport with a …
Delocalized excitons and interaction effects in extremely dilute thermal ensembles
Long-range interparticle interactions are revealed in extremely dilute thermal atomic
ensembles using highly sensitive nonlinear femtosecond spectroscopy. Delocalized …
ensembles using highly sensitive nonlinear femtosecond spectroscopy. Delocalized …
Excitation transport through Rydberg dressing
We show how to create long-range interactions between alkali atoms in different hyperfine
ground states, with the goal of coherent quantum transport. The scheme uses off-resonant …
ground states, with the goal of coherent quantum transport. The scheme uses off-resonant …
Phase-imprinting of Bose-Einstein condensates with Rydberg impurities
We show how the phase profile of Bose-Einstein condensates can be engineered through
its interaction with localized Rydberg excitations. The interaction is made controllable and …
its interaction with localized Rydberg excitations. The interaction is made controllable and …
Universal Measure for the Impact of Adiabaticity on Quantum Transitions
Adiabaticity is crucial for our understanding of complex quantum dynamics and thus for
advancing fundamental physics and technology, but its impact cannot yet be quantified in …
advancing fundamental physics and technology, but its impact cannot yet be quantified in …
Probing weak dipole-dipole interaction using phase-modulated nonlinear spectroscopy
Phase-modulated nonlinear spectroscopy with higher harmonic demodulation has recently
been suggested to provide information on many-body excitations. In the present work we …
been suggested to provide information on many-body excitations. In the present work we …
Entangling distant atom clouds through Rydberg dressing
In Rydberg dressed ultracold gases, ground-state atoms inherit properties of a weakly
admixed Rydberg state, such as sensitivity to long-range interactions. We show that through …
admixed Rydberg state, such as sensitivity to long-range interactions. We show that through …
Cold Rydberg gases and ultra-cold plasmas
Cold Rydberg gases and ultra-cold plasmas Page 1 Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular
and Optical Physics EDITORIAL Cold Rydberg gases and ultra-cold plasmas To cite this article …
and Optical Physics EDITORIAL Cold Rydberg gases and ultra-cold plasmas To cite this article …
Extended coherently delocalized states in a frozen Rydberg gas
The long-range dipole-dipole interaction can create delocalized states due to the exchange
of excitation between Rydberg atoms. We show that even in a random gas many of the …
of excitation between Rydberg atoms. We show that even in a random gas many of the …