Exact solutions of the Schrödinger equation for Coulombian atoms in the presence of some anharmonic oscillator potentials
A de Souza Dutra - Physics Letters A, 1988 - Elsevier
PII: 0375-9601(88)90780-3 Page 1 Volume 131, number 6 PHYSICS LETTERS A 29
A new formulation of the fast fractional Fourier transform
By using a spectral approach, we derive a Gaussian-like quadrature of the continuous
fractional Fourier transform. The quadrature is obtained from a bilinear form of eigenvectors …
fractional Fourier transform. The quadrature is obtained from a bilinear form of eigenvectors …
A finite-dimensional representation of the quantum angular momentum operator
RG Campos, LO Pimentel - arxiv preprint quant-ph/0008120, 2000 - arxiv.org
A useful finite-dimensional matrix representation of the derivative of periodic functions is
obtained by using some elementary facts of trigonometric interpolation. This NxN matrix …
obtained by using some elementary facts of trigonometric interpolation. This NxN matrix …
On a method for computing eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of linear differential operators
M Bruschi, RG Campos, E Pace - Il Nuovo Cimento B (1971-1996), 1990 - Springer
In this paper a simple method is presented to compute the eigenvalues and the
eigenfunctions of second-order linear differential operators, with homogeneous boundary …
eigenfunctions of second-order linear differential operators, with homogeneous boundary …
Interpolation in multidimensions, a convenient finite‐dimensional matrix representation of the (partial) differential operators, and some applications
F Calogero - Journal of mathematical physics, 1993 - pubs.aip.org
An extension to multidimensions of (a generalized notion of) Lagrangian interpolation is
used to introduce finite‐dimensional matrix representations of the (partial) differential …
used to introduce finite‐dimensional matrix representations of the (partial) differential …
Fast integration of one-dimensional boundary value problems
RG Campos, RG Ruiz - International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2013 - World Scientific
Two-point nonlinear boundary value problems (BVPs) in both unbounded and bounded
domains are solved in this paper using fast numerical antiderivatives and derivatives of …
domains are solved in this paper using fast numerical antiderivatives and derivatives of …
Some properties of the zeros of polynomial solutions of Sturm–Liouville equations
RG Campos - SIAM journal on mathematical analysis, 1987 - SIAM
In this paper certain equalities holding for the zeros of a polynomial satisfying a linear
differential equation of the second order are obtained in terms of the coefficients of this …
differential equation of the second order are obtained in terms of the coefficients of this …