[HTML][HTML] Enhanced FMEA methodology for evaluating mobile learning platforms using grey relational analysis and fuzzy AHP
S Başaran, OA Ighagbon - Applied Sciences, 2024 - mdpi.com
This study addresses a significant problem: it is difficult to choose a suitable mobile learning
platform effectively since many learning platforms are readily available for users. For this …
platform effectively since many learning platforms are readily available for users. For this …
[PDF][PDF] Pengujian validitas dan reliabilitas model UTAUT 2 dan EUCS pada sistem informasi akademik
S Aprilisa, S Samsuryadi… - Jurnal Media Informatika …, 2021 - repository.unsri.ac.id
Abstrak− Instrumen penelitian digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data atau mengukur objek
dari suatu penelitian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui instrumen yang …
dari suatu penelitian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui instrumen yang …
[PDF][PDF] Evaluating software quality attributes using analytic hierarchy process (AHP)
IB Botchway, AA Emmanuel, N Solomon… - … Journal of Advanced …, 2021 - researchgate.net
The use of quality software is of importance to stakeholders and its demand is on the
increase. This work focuses on meeting software quality from the user and developer's …
increase. This work focuses on meeting software quality from the user and developer's …
[PDF][PDF] Analisis Kualitas Sistem Informasi Haji Terpadu Menggunakan Metode McCall
Penelitian ini mengukur kualitas sistem informasi menggunakan metode McCall dengan
studi kasus sistem informasi haji terpadu (SIHAT) pada PT. Arraudhah Wisata Imani. Setelah …
studi kasus sistem informasi haji terpadu (SIHAT) pada PT. Arraudhah Wisata Imani. Setelah …
Penerapan Metode Waterfall Dalam Pengembangan Sistem Informasi E-Learning (Studi Kasus: SMP Negeri 5 Jayapura)
S Robo, A Sah, AT Sidarmawan - Journal Scientific and Applied …, 2021 - neliti.com
Permasalahan yang terjadi di SMP Negeri 5 Jayapura adalah selama ini proses
pembelajaran antara guru dan siswa sangat terbatas. Proses pembelajaran berlangsung …
pembelajaran antara guru dan siswa sangat terbatas. Proses pembelajaran berlangsung …
Usability of cloud-based learning management systems among the selected higher education institutions in Negros occidental: a comparative analysis
MM Reynoso, PB El Jireh… - 2022 IEEE 7th …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The current public health emergency led many Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to use
online solutions, such as cloud-based Learning Management Systems (LMSs), in delivering …
online solutions, such as cloud-based Learning Management Systems (LMSs), in delivering …
Pengembangan Aplikasi Analisis PLS-SEM berbasis R Shiny dan Penerapan UTAUT2 untuk Evaluasi Penerimaan Sistem Informasi
Aplikasi yang digunakan untuk analisis data cenderung berbayar dan kurang efisien karena
tidak menampilkan hasil evaluasi dalam satu laporan seperti aplikasi SmartPLS. Evaluasi …
tidak menampilkan hasil evaluasi dalam satu laporan seperti aplikasi SmartPLS. Evaluasi …
Cloud-based Metabase GIS Data Analysis Platform Quality Management According to ISO 9126 Indicators
R Purbaningtyas, MMD Widianta… - JURNAL …, 2024 - ejournal.ittelkom-pwt.ac.id
Platform metabase GIS data analysis based on the cloud that has been successfully
developed is an alternative solution for spatial-text data analysis. The output of this cloud …
developed is an alternative solution for spatial-text data analysis. The output of this cloud …
Analisis Pembayaran Digital Dana Dengan Aplikasi Iso/Iec 9126 Model Berdasarkan Faktor Kegunaan
Digital payments have become a trend nowadays. The ease of use of applications and
relatively low transaction costs have changed people's behavior patterns in making …
relatively low transaction costs have changed people's behavior patterns in making …
Assessing the service, information, and website quality of the opera student information system at the University of Business and Technology (UBT)
M Khouj, A AlSharif, A AlObaid, A Omar… - … Conference on Business …, 2022 - Springer
This paper evaluates the service quality of the Opera website, which is a student information
system that provides a variety of e-services to both students and faculty at the University of …
system that provides a variety of e-services to both students and faculty at the University of …