Recovery and purification process development for monoclonal antibody production

HF Liu, J Ma, C Winter, R Bayer - MAbs, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Hundreds of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are currently in development, and
many companies have multiple antibodies in their pipelines. Current methodology used in …

Automation and miniaturization: enabling tools for fast, high‐throughput process development in integrated continuous biomanufacturing

TC Silva, M Eppink, M Ottens - Journal of Chemical …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Process development in the biotech industry leads to investments around hundred of
millions of dollars. It is important to mitigate costs without neglecting the quality of process …

Hybrid Models for the simulation and prediction of chromatographic processes for protein capture

H Narayanan, T Seidler, MF Luna, M Sokolov… - … of Chromatography A, 2021 - Elsevier
The biopharmaceutical industries are continuously faced with the pressure to reduce the
development costs and accelerate development time scales. The traditional approach of …

High‐throughput in silico workflow for optimization and characterization of multimodal chromatographic processes

SH Altern, JY Lyall, JP Welsh, S Burgess… - Biotechnology …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
While high‐throughput (HT) experimentation and mechanistic modeling have long been
employed in chromatographic process development, it remains unclear how these …

Next generation vaccines and vectors: Designing downstream processes for recombinant protein‐based virus‐like particles

CL Effio, J Hubbuch - Biotechnology journal, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
In recent years, the development of novel recombinant virus‐like particles (VLPs) has been
generating new perspectives for the prevention of untreated and arising infectious diseases …

Consistent development of bioprocesses from microliter cultures to the industrial scale

P Neubauer, N Cruz, F Glauche… - Engineering in Life …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Bioprocess development today is slow and expensive compared to chemical process
development. A drastic paradigm shift is necessary and possible by the consistent …

Robo-Lector–a novel platform for automated high-throughput cultivations in microtiter plates with high information content

R Huber, D Ritter, T Hering, AK Hillmer, F Kensy… - Microbial cell …, 2009 - Springer
Background In industry and academic research, there is an increasing demand for flexible
automated microfermentation platforms with advanced sensing technology. However, up to …

[KNJIGA][B] Process scale purification of antibodies

U Gottschalk - 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Names: Gottschalk, Uwe, editor. Title: Process scale purification of antibodies/edited by Uwe
Gottschalk. Description: Second edition.| Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2017 …

[HTML][HTML] Recent advances to accelerate purification process development: A review with a focus on vaccines

D Keulen, G Geldhof, O Le Bussy, M Pabst… - … of Chromatography A, 2022 - Elsevier
The safety requirements for vaccines are extremely high since they are administered to
healthy people. For that reason, vaccine development is time-consuming and very …

Advances in the process development of biocatalytic processes

P Tufvesson, J Lima-Ramos, NA Haque… - … Process Research & …, 2013 - ACS Publications
Biocatalysis is already established in chemical synthesis on an industrial scale, in particular
in the pharmaceutical sector. However, the wider implementation of biocatalysis is currently …